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Elizabeth 1 in English History


Submitted By pskrog
Words 5521
Pages 23
Roger Wert
Early English History – Dr. Reiter

Elizabeth1 in English history?

As a figure in English and international history, the iconic Elizabeth 1 was a skilled politician and a force to be reckoned with throughout her lifetime in English royal politics. When she ascended to the throne of the nation she oversaw the development of a second tier country into a first tier nation on the forefront of political and economic world geopolitics and economics. She restored a floundering sense of national pride to the people of England and employed such an effective communication style throughout her endeavors that her influence is still studied as a core of MBA curriculum in the universities of today.[1] To properly respect the veneration surrounding the story of Elizabeth in English history, it is important to understand the tumultuous turn of events that eventually brought her to the throne. Recognized today as one of England's most effective, respected, and long-seated monarchs, her path to the throne was never assured, and certainly was not without conflict. It is partly because of her compelling leadership and partly because of her unlikely rise to power that her time on the throne is so impressive today. Elizabeth was born in 1533 to King Henry VIII and his second wife Anne Boleyn. A particularly unique and tumultuous time in the religious landscape of England, Anne was two months pregnant with Elizabeth when Henry split England from the Catholic Church over their unwillingness to grant a divorce from his first wife, Catharine of Aragon, whom had given birth to his first child, Mary. Henry and Anne were immediately married, though the marriage was considered by many on the continent to be illegitimate since it lacked papal support. Anne later gave birth to their daughter Elizabeth. Henry was disappointed that Anne had failed to produce for

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