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Emerging Consumer Survey


Submitted By galacticos7
Words 21734
Pages 87
January 2015

Research Institute
Thought leadership from Credit Suisse Research and the world’s foremost experts

Emerging Consumer
Survey 2015


03 Editorial
04 The emerging consumer in 2015
12 A sum of different parts
20 e-Commerce and the emerging consumer 30 Focus on travel
36 Focus on autos
40 Focus on healthcare
46 Brands and the emerging consumer in 2015
62 Brazil:
Steady decline continues
64 China:
A life online
66 India:
New government, strong consumer
68 Indonesia:
An under-penetrated market
70 Mexico:
Structural potential, cyclical hurdles
72 Russia:
Dark clouds gather
74 Saudi Arabia:
The petro-dollar
76 South Africa:
Reduced optimism

81 About the survey
83 Imprint / Disclaimer

For more information, please contact:
Richard Kersley, Head of Global Securities
Products and Themes, Credit Suisse
Investment Banking, Michael O’Sullivan, Chief Investment
Officer UK & EMEA, Credit Suisse

78 Turkey:
Subdued but stable


We are delighted to publish the fifth edition of the Credit Suisse Research
Institute’s “Emerging Consumer Survey.” To undertake the project, we have again partnered with global market research firm Nielsen, which has conducted on our behalf nearly 16,000 face-to-face interviews with consumers across nine key emerging economies – Brazil, China, India,
Indonesia, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and South Africa. We have built a unique and accessible multi-year database profiling the fortunes and intentions of these key consumers.
The ambition of our series of studies has been to focus on the micro

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