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Employee Performance Literature Review

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Table 2‑1: Summary of major empirical studies on employee performance
Major findings thesis
Thesis statement
Dependent variable
Employee performance
Independent variable
Physical aspect and job factor
Research work as a descriptive research of primary data and secondary data, researcher used the stratified random sampling method, the questionnaire was carefully constructed and properly setup.
The workplace environment impacts employee morale, productivity and engagement both positively and negatively
Workplace environment and its impact on organizational performance in public sector organizations
LeTran Thao(2002)
Dependent variable
Employee performance
Independent variable
Leadership, …show more content…
The effect of compensation on employee performance

Qaisar Abbas and Sara Yaqoob(2009)
Dependent variable
Employee performance
Independent Variable
Leadership development (coach, training and development, empowerment, participation and delegation)
Primary and secondary sources of data collection are used. The questionnaire was designed on likert scale types from 1 to 5 such as strongly disagree to strongly agree. Data analyzed by using SPSS. To test the hypothesis Pearson Correlation analysis was conducted
Study supports a strong positive relationship between them. All relationship between the dependent and independent variables are positively and significantly correlated.
The effect of leadership development on employee performance/the leadership factors and its influence on employee job performance/.
Nowier Mohammed Al-Anzi
Dependent variable
Employee performance
Independent Variable
Furniture, Noise, lighting, temperature, and spatial arrangement
The research is a field survey through self administered questionnaires. Primary data is collected through a survey. Descriptive statistics are used to analyze the data; observation was also used to collect the required …show more content…
The collected data were analyzed in SPSS 17.0 version and different analytical and descriptive techniques were used to analyze the data
Compensation has positive impact on employee performance. It is proved from correlation analysis that all independent variables have weak or moderate positive relationship to each other. Regression analysis shows that all independent variables have insignificant and positive impact on employee performance.
Impact of compensation on employee performance in banking sector of Pakistan
Dr. Rashid Saeed,2013
Dependent variable
Employee performance
Independent variable
Manager’s attitude ,organizational culture ,personal problems and financial rewards
This study is quantitative and takes a sample of 200 employees. Analyzed by applying multiple regression analysis and using SPSS soft ware
All of the variables have positive impact on the performance of the employees except personal problems of the employees that hinders the performance of the

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