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Environment Plays a Huge Role in Human Behavior


Submitted By magnate999
Words 2028
Pages 9
The environment plays a huge role in human behavior from larger things like whether the country that a person lives in is at war to smaller things like the type of weather that is typical for that specific area.

You may have heard of the term nature vs. nurture before. This is a term that psychologists use to describe different reasons for why people behave in the ways that they do. Nature refers to people’s DNA. This is their inherent genetic makeup that plays a role in not only their behavior but also in their outward appearance. Nurture describes the environment that people live in including each person’s own experiences within their family but also their experiences in the larger world and within their community.

Human beings are programmed response in every sense of the word. We learn everything that we are from others. We are not born with knowledge or personality; we acquire those from society-at-large.

As an example; if, at the moment you were born, you were exchanged with a baby being born in Ethiopia, and your skin, hair, and eyes were altered to that of other Ethiopians, you would grow up and be an entirely different person. Your taste in food, music, dress, and all your aspects of culture would be entirely different from who you are today.

If the two of you were to meet as adults, neither would recognize similar behavioral attributes in the other. Each of you would have entirely different personalities. Genetically, you may have the same physical attributes/propensities, but you would have developed them differently, dependent on the physical requirements of your lifestyle. Environmental factors such as food, living-conditions, and healthcare, would have affected your overall appearance, attitude, and physiology. You would experience each other as total strangers. You would each talk differently, dress differently, and have

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