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Essay On Food Security

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Approach is the second important gear of food security. Stock of food grains must be accessible to indigent people. No matter how much food is in stock or how much production is going on, if the surplus food grain is not reaching the needy people, then food security will remain a pointless word in this socio-political corridor. On that ground, the states have to have a reliable access to a sufficient quality of affordable, nutritious food.

2.1.2 Allocation : About one third population of our country is extremely poor and according to the UN Millennium Development Goal Report 2014, India also has the highest number of under-five year age group deaths in the world in 2012, with 1.4 million children dying before reaching their fifth birthday . On one hand, we are pleased that our country has bumper food grain stock but on another hand, it is a bitter truth that most people have to sleep at night with an empty stomach. It so happens because of a wrong policy of allocation of food grain. Allocation of food must be in the view of the required necessities. Only then every person will get the right ‘fruits’ of food security. …show more content…
In other words, absorption is the real scale by which we can know about the food security’s reality. Many indigent people have RATION CARD or LAL CARD and they get their food right from the Public Distribution System. But question is, do they really take this food for themselves or do they sell the allotted grain for other needs? Secondly, do they really get healthy and sufficient food grain under the food security plan? Answers of these questions must be affirmative then only the public will find real food security. Food absorption level in India is in the lowest stage. About 44% of children are under-weight and about half of the pregnant women are suffering from anaemia due to low food

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