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Essay On Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

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Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection of the female upper reproductive tract that primarily affects sexually active women ages 15 to 29 in the United States (Ashear, Gonzalez, Wilcha, & Covino, 2017). “More than eight hundred thousand women get a diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease annually in the United States” (Sabb Gul, Albati, Ismaeel Badr, Alfaraj, Almatrafi, Banoun, Hassan Maki, Bagdood, & AlJuhani, 2018). Although pelvic inflammatory disease is rather simple to treat, it can be hard to diagnose and can potentially lead to many long-term complications. Therefore, women should understand the signs and symptoms as well diagnostic tests, treatment options, and methods of prevention.

“Pelvic inflammatory disease …show more content…
The bacteria travel from the vagina through the cervix into …show more content…
Unfortunately, pelvic inflammatory disease can be difficult to recognize because of the fact that it may not present with traditional signs or symptoms (Sabb Gul et al., 2018). For that reason, any woman with unexplained abdominal or pelvic pain that may worsen with movement and sexual intercourse should raise attention to a possible diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease (Sabb Gul et al., 2018). Other associated signs and symptoms that women should be aware of include abnormal uterine bleeding or vaginal discharge, dysuria, fever, chills, frequent urination, lower back pain, and nausea or vomiting (Ashear et al., 2017). If a woman experiences any of the above signs or symptoms, she should seek professional medical care as soon as possible and undergo diagnostic testing to receive proper

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