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Submitted By ablakeman
Words 1979
Pages 8
Organizational Communication 235
Paper #1
9 February 2012
Differences in personalities are where almost everyone around the world can make it or break it while trying to communicate with one another. The reason behind this is simply because of needs, backgrounds, personal preferences, values and beliefs for every unique individual. Many Americans feel that if someone has a difference in viewpoints than themselves then they are wrong or immoral in their thinking and in their actions. What most don’t think about are the underlying reasons behind these decisions and thoughts that are the reinforcing drive behind every action and reaction. The Myers- Briggs Type Indicator is based on Carl Jung’s theory that what seems to be random in the behaviors of humans is really very orderly and consistent, due to certain basic difference in the way people approach life (Carlyn). Jung organized people based on their personality, archetypes, and collective unconscious and grouped them based on their attitude types (extraverted and introverted) and the functions of the mind which are thinking, feeling, sensing and intuition. These four scales: extroversion-introversion (E-I), sensation-intuition (S-I), thinking-feeling (T-F), and judgment-perception (J-P) are what make up the 16 possible personality types which goes into the design of this paper and its break down of the two (opposite) personality types—ESTJ & INFP. In this paper I will discuss the different preferences both of these personalities lean toward and what lifestyles and orientations they may have based on their binary choices on the scale. Each personality type has an opposite and the whole point is to correctly identify and connect the issues of personality and communication to bring them together to more effortlessly open the doors to a more connected and understanding world between personalities. In three

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