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Explain the Main Differences or Similarities Between Scientific Management and Human Relations.


Submitted By fergusdominic
Words 455
Pages 2
Explain the main differences or similarities between Scientific Management and Human Relations.

Maximum efficiency and prosperity are always a part of employers' goals, as having these main goals can led to a better working environment, and employees can be paid better. So psychologists and management experts started to observe workers' behaviours when placing them into different working environments, e.g. putting a lazy worker beside a hardworking one, changing the factory's setup everyday, etc, just to see if their productivity would increase or not.

Frederick Taylor invented Scientific Management in order to make a factory more fluent and smooth on producing products, thus maximising the profit. Taylor (1911) stated that the main objective is to foster each worker's efficiency, and arranging the most suitable job to meet the worker's natural ability. Meanwhile, Elton Mayo invented Human Relations Movement to boost workers' motivation, thus maximising their productivities. Hollway (1991) mentioned that Mayo undertake his experiments in Hawthorne Electric Plant in the USA, and so, it's also called Hawthorne Effect.
Similarities between Scientific Management and Human Relations approach are obvious, that are to maximise a factory/ firm's productivity. Taylor focused on maximum prosperity, which means that not only to maximising the productivity, but employers also have to pay higher wages to employees. Taylor (1911) showed that most interests between employers and employees are inevitably opposing. So, in order to meet both stakeholders' interests, employers would have to pay more to their employees, so to raise their willingness and motivation to work. while employers would have to set a reasonable wages that they're comfortable with. Human Relations adapts psychology which was to be used on workers, because Mayo knew that different wage levels would

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