Premium Essay

Facebook and Culture of Friends


Submitted By avromyitzchok
Words 1074
Pages 5
Avraham Friedman
Professor DiMeo
English DL1
28 April 2013
The World of Digital Friendship Once upon a time friendships were sacred and relationships cherished, but in today’s age of social media the interpersonal relationship landscape has changed completely. Stories of friendship have evolved over millennia of generations and have crossed all cultural divides. In days of old a friend was not only someone that could be relied on in times of need but one who truly cared about you. In late October of 2003 all this would change. The definition of friend would become very different from what it had been known to mean for centuries. When Facebook was founded and social networks were born people began leading social lives via their computers, and this would prove to be the beginning of the end of true friendships. Before we get into Facebook we must get a better definition of what a friend is. Aristotle said that there are three types of friends. The first is a friend for utility, whether a classmate or a neighbor this is a person that can help with class work or babysitting and therefore one is friendly with them. Sadly in the case of wealth, like bees attracted to honey money can bring many utility friends that are only in the friendship for their benefit, hoping somehow to get a slice of the pie. The second is a friendship for pleasure. When two people have similar likes and hobbies instinctively they develop a friendship based on enjoyment of spending time together. Finally, the last form of friendship is by virtue. These friends love another for who they are. They embrace their good and bad traits. Yes at times they quarrel and disagree but ultimately they patch things up and see the good in each other. This friendship endures and

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