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Falsification of Body Language


Submitted By shabay
Words 1158
Pages 5
Time to Pretend
(When do people falsify their body language?)
I remembered a funny story about two men who found a big deep hole while walking through the woods. Afterwards they tried to find out how deep the hole was and threw a few little rocks. There was no sound. Next time, they threw a big rock into the hole, but still they heard nothing. Later one of them said that there was a railway sleeper in the woods and it definitely should make a noise. They dragged that heavy railway sleeper over to the hole and tossed it. After a few seconds they saw a goat which ran out of the woods and was moving with the speed of wind. The goat rushed towards the two men and disappeared into the hole, passing between those two men. Their jaws dropped when they saw what happened in the twinkling of an eye. Farmer who was walking out of woods asked those two men whether they saw his goat. Of course, they began to tell about the strange goat which leaped into the hole, but farmer stopped them, convinced that this goat was not his, because his goat was chained to a railway sleeper. Then those two pondered and decided that this goat did not belong to the farmer, but it was crazy one which was wandering in the woods and leaped into the hole. So, for me personally, moral of the story means that all things are not what they seem. Most people, however, only see the things that they think they are seeing. It’s about matching the things that you see and hear in the environment. By the way, what can we see, if stop and look around?

By a man’s fingernails, by his coat-sleeve, by his boots, by his trouser-knees, by the calluses of his forefinger and thumb, by his expression, by his shirt-cuffs, by his movements – by each of these things a man’s calling is plainly revealed. That all united should fail to enlighten the competent enquirer in any case is almost inconceivable.

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