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Fast Food


Submitted By abdooool
Words 407
Pages 2
Why Do People Eat Fast Food

Nowadays most people eat fast food at least three times a week . There are adults and children who like fast food instead of healthy food for three reasons , the price ,the time and the taste .

First reason of why do people eat fast food is the price . Most restaurants of fast food are cheap , so young people can have one male every day easily . For example, the price here in Saudi Arabia for one male around fifteen to twenty R.S . Also in "Mcdonalds" the famous restaurant in U.S.A the prices are affordable for instance , "McChicken male" costing five $ that is equal twenty R.S , it is very cheap . So fast food restaurants in most countries have low priced to attract all people from different ages and that is very important to every one like fast food .

Second reason of why do people eat fast food is the time . So , all fast food restaurants prepare your male in half an hour and they could delivery it for you , it is take one hour to have your male in anywhere . everyone orders from fast food restaurants think of saving their time especially for who has a long and work with short break for example , my brother live in Dammam and his work start from eight morning to five evening , his break from twelve to twelve thirty and it is very short , he cannot back home and cook his lunch . That reason is

Third reason of why do people eat fast food is the taste of fast food . Fast food restaurants add a lot of preservative to keep the taste delicious for months . Fast food is usually packed with fats and sugar , that is make taste so good . People who like to eat fast food know about the disadvantages of it and it is unhealthy food but they keep eating it . Fast food one of the causes of diseases but who eat it enjoy of the taste and ignore the damage .

I think the taste , price and the short time to get your male are important causes of why do people eat fast food . Everyone like and eat fast food have reasons even if they are children or adults . All people can replace fast food by healthy food but they have to work hard to themselves . غ e for many people espciallity , it is safe the time for many people e

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