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Formulating Information Systems Risk Management Strategies Through Cultural Theory


Submitted By chintyawidya93
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Pages 39
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IMCS 14,3

Formulating information systems risk management strategies through cultural theory
Aggeliki Tsohou, Maria Karyda and Spyros Kokolakis
Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering, University of the Aegean, Samos, Greece


Evangelos Kiountouzis
Department of Informatics, Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the potential of cultural theory as a tool for identifying patterns in the stakeholders’ perception of risk and its effect on information system (IS) risk management. Design/methodology/approach – Risk management involves a number of human activities which are based on the way the various stakeholders perceive risk associated with IS assets. Cultural theory claims that risk perception within social groups and structures is predictable according to group and individual worldviews; therefore this paper examines the implications of cultural theory on IS risk management as a means for security experts to manage stakeholders perceptions. Findings – A basic theoretical element of cultural theory is the grid/group typology, where four cultural groups with differentiating worldviews are identified. This paper presents how these worldviews affect the process of IS risk management and suggests key issues to be considered in developing strategies of risk management according to the different perceptions cultural groups have. Research limitations/implications – The findings of this research are based on theoretical analysis and are not supported by relevant empirical research. Further research is also required for incorporating the identified key issues into information security management systems (ISMS). Originality/value – IS security

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