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Gardner Intelligence Paper


Submitted By alexis422
Words 1123
Pages 5
Gardener Intelligence Paper
Tiffany Ferrell
PSY 300
February 13, 2012
Mary Newhams

The world in which we live in is made up off all different kinds of people. In a normal society, we do not always call someone intelligent because they can dance or sing. However, according to Gardner, there are eight different intelligences, and one being a musically inclined person. The theory of multiple intelligences identifies eight intelligences: musical, bodily/kinesthetic, spatial, linguistic or verbal, logical/mathematical naturalistic, intrapersonal, and interpersonal (Kowalski & Westen, 2011). Being that the theory states that one can be intelligent in any of the eight or more, this can interfere with how one performs on their jobs. Not all of these intelligences can hinder someone in the business world, but one should be pretty savvy in a few of them. According to Gardner and our reading, someone can be musically talented but not have interpersonal skills. This would hinder an entertainer because of his inability to relate in the entertainment world. The three intelligences which are most important in a business world are the following: interpersonal (social skills), linguistic or verbal, and intrapersonal (self-understanding). If someone is not intelligent in these three, in my opinion could terribly hinder their personal success or career.
Linguistic or Verbal In a business environment, one needs to have a high level of linguistic intelligence. The linguistic intelligence has to do with words in which are spoken or written. If someone has no idea of how to articulate themselves then what they say can come across as “sounding dumb or illiterate.” It is also a well-known fact most people do not have the ability to spell. I have witnessed situations where a person knew what they were trying to say but did not know how to spell the word; the

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