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German Essays


Submitted By zimmer1208
Words 5545
Pages 23
1. One day in Joszfow- Christopher Browing
a. Emphasizes the old age of the officers- 39
b. Shows that they were trained to be like this and had a choice. They were not brainwashed o Myth that Browning is trying to disprove; that all Nazi’s were thoroughly indoctrinated
• Some of the killers were old enough to think for themselves o Trying to give the lie to idea that people thought they had to kill so that they themselves would not be killed o Conclusions Browning drew about killers:
• Some men did not want to appear cowardly to the other men
• peer pressure of not stepping up against the idea
• Testimony was consistent—gives it weight and truth
• Career destruction – thought that if they refused to kill Jews that it would destroy there business/careers

• Holocaust: The ignored Reality- Timothy Snyder
• What is wrong with making (A) the iconic Holocaust experience? o It was the western most camp o Eastern killings are much unknown o Should view as one mass murder o Most Jews were polish Jews that were killed o Jews killed at (A) were not representative victims
• Jews at (A) came mostly from western Europe
• More educated/less religious than Polish Jews o (A) was not as bad other camps
• Gets attention because there are a lot of survivors
• Educated prisoners were able to write and share their story
• Western released prisoners were able to spread their stories easier than eastern survivors who were under Soviet rule o 50% of the victims did not die by gas, they died by bullet
• Focusing on camps leaves out a large portion of the killings most importantly the mass shootings

• Shame- Primo Levi o What (widely-held) ideas about Holocaust survival is Primo Levi trying to dispel?
• The people were experienced liberation as a joyous moment- the memories of survivors become colored by the Hollywood scripts. The

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