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Ghost Ghost


Submitted By cake99999
Words 289
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How to Find Specific Journal Articles: (by Mark James)

This is a step-by-step guide to finding specific research articles that you have been given the complete reference for (e.g. for seminar readings listed on Moodle, or for articles cited in lectures).
To find articles when you do not have a full reference for (e.g. when you’re looking for research on a topic/theory/model generally) please refer to the slide “Finding Sources” of the Study Skills slides provided on Moodle. All seminar readings are available to download via the University of Kent library website using the following steps.

Example - how to find:
Poropat, A.E. (2009). A meta-analytic analysis of the five-factor model of personality and academic performance. Psychological Bulletin, 135 (2), 322-38.

Step 1: Go to - click ‘Search for journals” and enter title of the journal (e.g. Psychological Bulletin) here:

Step 2: Click on one of the search results:

Some journals are accessible through multiple providers (e.g. PsycARTICLES, Academic Search Complete, Wiley-Blackwell Full Collection), with varying levels of access. Check the date of the article you’re searching for was published and select a provider which holds the journal published that year.

Step 3: A new window will pop up, and you will be asked to input your Kent username and password. Once provided you will be taken to the journal providers website. Select the year the reading was published (e.g. 2009) from the right-hand column, then select the specific volume (e.g. 135) and issue number (e.g. 2) for the article:

Step 4: Find the specific article you’re after from the list provided, and click for the

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Term Paper on the Concept Ghost

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"Hamlet's Ghost- to Believe or Not to Believe”

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