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Global Cultural Analysis-Japan


Submitted By skbellamy05
Words 1838
Pages 8

Damanpour, F. (1998). The impact of culture on management: A comparison of Japanese

versus United States management. Advances in competitiveness Research , 6 (1),


Faramarz Damanpour is a Professor of Finance and International Business at James Madison University. He is an author of several business articles and has been featured in many business journals. His main purpose of this article is to get the reader to understand the differences between the cultures, decision-making, and employment strategies of Japan and the United States. This topic is suitable for my research paper because it helps me answer the first research question, which deals with the elements and dimensions of culture of Japan.

Fukuda, J. (1992). The internationalization of Japanese business: different approaches,

similar problems. The International Executive , 34 (1), 27-41.

John Fukuda is a professor in the department of the International Business at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has written peer reviewed articles for the International Executive. His main purpose for this article is to get the reader to understand the Japanese's approach to business versus the other countries. This article is suitable for my research paper because it helps me to answer question numbers 1 and 2 of the Business cultural analysis.

Fukukawa, K., & Teramoto, Y. (2008). Understanding Japanese CSR: the reflections of

managers in the field of global operations. Journal of Business Ethics , 85 (1),


Kyoko Fukuawa is a Senior lecturer in marketing at Bradford University School of Management. Her publications appear in the Journal of Business Ethics and Journal of Corporate Citizenship. Yoshiya Teramota is a professor at Waseda Business School at Waseda University. He has worked on several research projects at several research institutions.

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