Premium Essay

Grade 9 Business Exam


Submitted By Bhagwandass
Words 801
Pages 4
Principles of business
End of term examination
Grade 10
Paper 2
1 a. define the term organisational structure
b. there a basically four forms of organisational structures. List all four
c. define any two types of organisational structure listed in 1b above
d. differentiate between a formal organisational structure and an informal organisational structure.

2a. many products progress through different stages before they mature and eventually declines. Draw a diagram showing the life cycle of a product.
b. define the term ‘market research’
c. explain the importance of market research to a business or organisation.
d. list 4 types of market research
e. define any one listed above.

3 a. define the term transportation
b. explain the importance of transportation to a business
c. each method of transport has it advantages and disadvantages thus importer/exporter must consider a number of factors when transporting cargo. List four factors that influence transport method.
d. identify three forms of transport.

4a. define the following terms: I. Production II. Consumption III. Budget IV. Consumerism
b. list four rights or privileges to which consumer are entitled
c. credit unions are part of the saving institutions and with it are benefits attached
I. explain what is a credit union ii. list 3 benefits of a credit union
d. list 3 measure that are put in place to protect consumers.

Principles of business
End of term examinations
Paper one
Grade 10

1. ……….seeks to remedy the overburdening of a line manager a. Staff organisation b. Functional organisation c. Committee organisation d. Line organisation 2. Marketing involves: a. Researching the product b. Packaging the product c. Advertising the product d. All the above 3. A target market consist of a. Those customers who buy

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