Premium Essay

Gun Control


Submitted By thebookreader
Words 553
Pages 3
Adan Gallardo

Should the government pass stricter gun laws? Did you know that only in 2011 there were 11,101 people killed by an irresponsible gun owner? Yes, the irresponsibility of gun owner have caused an immense impact in society, based in The International Firearm Injury Prevention and Policy Organization, just since January of 2013 there has been 8,534 cases of people killed by a gun. In fact, to prevent more deaths due to irresponsible gun owners the government of the USA should certainly pass stricter gun laws because it can prevent deaths, it can reduce crimes, and it can make America a better and a safer place to live. There are many reasons for the government to pass stricter gun laws. A perfect example is the shooting that took place in a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. James Egan Holmes killed twelve innocent people and at least 59 were injured with an AR-15 assault rifle, a shotgun, and a 40- caliber hand gun. These kinds of incidents could be prevented if the government would pass much harsh and stricter gun laws, so that not anyone could obtain a gun so easy. Throughout the country many people are afraid, because of how easy it is for someone to obtain a firearm. These people have all the right to be insecure, but parents are the ones who are most perturbed, and this is due to the school shooting in Connecticut. Adam Lanza killed himself after killing 20 small children and six adults in an elementary school with two 9mm pistols, police officers confirm that Adam had a history of mental illness and yet he had two 9mm pistols in his absolute power. Thereupon Connecticut is one of the states with the more severe gun laws, government, indeed should impose much stricter gun laws in which they had to do a backup check and much more to every customer that would like to buy a gun, but not only in one state this should be practice in all the

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