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Hacking Exposed


Submitted By wrocksmith
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Hacking Exposed

1. What was the crime, who was the criminal, who was the victim, what was the resulting damage of the crime?
The crime was hacking into a neighbor’s Wi-Fi network in 2009 and using it to try and frame them for child pornography, sexual harassment, and various kinds of professional misconduct and to send threatening e-mail to politicians, including Vice President Joe Biden (Kravets, 2011). The criminal was Barry Ardolf the victims’ neighbor (Kravets, 2011). The victims were Matt and Bethany Kostolnik his new neighbors who lived next door to Mr. Ardolf (Kravets, 2011). Mr. Ardolf wanted to destroy the careers and professional reputations of Matt and Bethany Kostolnik, to damage their marriage, and to wreak havoc on their lives. Mr. Ardolf spent two weeks cracking the Kostolnik’s WEP encryption (Kravets, 2011). He then used their own Wi-Fi network to create a fake MySpace page for the husband, where he posted a picture of a pubescent girl having sex with two young boys (Kravets, 2011). Mr. Ardolk e-mailed the same child porn to one of Mr. Kostolnik’s co-workers, and sent flirtatious e-mail to women in Mr. Kostolnik's office (Kravets, 2011). In May 2009, the Secret Service showed up at Mr. Kostolnik's office to ask about several threatening e-mails sent from his Yahoo account, and traced to his IP address, that were addressed to Biden and other politicians (Kravets, 2011). The subject line of one e-mail read: "This is a terrorist threat! Take this seriously." "I swear to God I'm going to kill you!," part of the message to Biden said (Kravets, 2011).
2. What do you think was the underlying motivation of the criminal in the case?
Mr. Ardolf wanted to get back at his neighbors after they told the police he had kissed their 4 year old son on the lips when he was taking him back to his parents when he wandered into his yard shortly after the family moved into their home (Hughes, 2011).
3. Based on the six categories of hackers presented in your textbook on page 93, how would you categorize the hacker in your case? Why?
Mr. Ardolf was a scamp hacker because he wanted to gain some fun out of what he was doing. Mr. Ardolf was an explorer hacker because he was motivated by his delight in the discoveries associated with breaking into the Kostolnik’s computer system. Mr. Ardolf was a vandal hacker because he was a malicious hacker who deliberately wanted to cause damage with no apparent gain for him.
4. What punishment did the criminal receive? Do you think the punishment fit the crime? Mr. Ardolf had turned down a two year plea agreement in 2010 to charges related to the Biden e-mail (Kravets, 2011). The authorities piled on more charges, including identity theft and two child-porn accusations carrying lifetime sex-offender registration requirements(Kravets, 2011). He pleaded guilty to them all last year. Mr. Ardolf was sentenced to an 18 year term in a federal prison in July 2011 (Kravets, 2011). Mr. Ardolf ’s charges will tag him as a lifetime-sex-offender registration requirements and after his release he will be supervised for 20 years (Hughes, 2011). Also, he will be restricted when working with computers by his parole officers (Hughes, 2011. In my opinion the punishment did fit the crime.
5. How do you think this crime could have been deterred?
Based on the research from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) the crime could have been deterred if the Kostolnik’s had better computer intrusion equipment. The Kostolnik’s should keep their firewall turned on, install and update their antivirus software, install and update their antispyware technology, keep their operating system up to date, be careful what they download, and to turnoff their computer when they are not using it.
Hughes, J. (2011). Minnesota Wi-Fi hacker gets 18 years in prison for terrorizing neighbors. Retrieved February 29, 2012 from years-prison-032803295.html
Kravets, D. (2011). Wi-Fi-hacking neighbor sentenced to 18 years. Retrieved February 29, 2012 from

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