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Hamlet's Last Soliloquy Analysis

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Hamlet looked upon the frail boyish body of Candide and tried to force a laugh, but couldn’t, the decision started to weigh upon his shoulders and slowly then all at once Hamlet felt as though he could not handle this task at hand. “I must do this”, Hamlet thought to himself, “it's the only, it's the only way”, the world began to turn sideways in the eyes of Hamlet, or was it that Hamlet was sideways himself. “I shall not let some fool like this Candide be accepted rather than I…. I must do this”, Hamlet finished this last sentence right before falling alongside Candide in the jagged ground.
“These actions of you pesky humans have affirmed the feelings I have for these orders. You surely will not get in my way. I will observe how you will try …show more content…
"But what am I to do?!" Candide asked frantically. He watched as the Creature took control and taught his way through with his furious fists.

Nurses and patients running everywhere in search for protection, but with every movement across the Creature’s path, someone would experience a hit like no other. The creature ransacked the whole hospital desperately searching for the right room to procure the organ.

“Now” Hamlet thought without moving a muscle, “Now is the chance, my chance, this is what I must do in order to restore my kingdom…. Oh but that thing, that reached monster is in my way…” With that thought Hamlet began to move swiftly. Taking a right, a left, and three more rights he stopped at the door labeled, “119”. Picking up a scalpel from a stray medicine cart to the right of the door Hamlet began to slowly turn the knob. The door was cracked when he realized in annoyance that both the monster and the puppet had followed his exact steps.

Candide asked innocently and with a shallow shaking voice, “What is that metal tool you have laid deep into your palm, oh brother

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