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Health Care


Submitted By dlaw
Words 1109
Pages 5
Healthy Hearts Cardiologist Medical Office
Financial Policy
Welcome to Healthy Heart Cardiologist Medical office below you can find our medical office finical policy.
However, it is important to read this financial poly in order to understand insurance information, or financial information that is need at the time of appointments, or walk in visits. Please read through our financial policy and note the insurance and other financial information you need have available before your appointment. 1. Upon arrival for appointment please provide complete insurance information, including insurance cards.
2. Upon arrival for appointment provide any referral or authorizations (if needed) from the primary care physician. Failure to obtain required referrals may cause the insurance company to deny your claim and make payment of all charges your responsibility. 3. If any test, such as EKG, or any other additional testing will be performed by a medical assistant when you arrive for your appointment.
However, According to ( many insurance carriers require separate pre-certification for these tests even though they are performed in the office at the time of visit. However, if there is a problem please call Healthy Hearts medical office before the date of your appointment.
Collection of co-payments, deductibles, and past-due balances
However, within the billing process it is important that Co-pay and/or unmet deductibles for consultation and other testing fees are due at the time of each visit. However, any co-payment fees or payment is due at the time of your schedule appointment. However, within our financial policy it is important for our billing staff to make sure that all patient information is accurate and effective at the time they call for an appointment. However, it is important that patients payment information is updated at each medical visit.

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