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Health Promotion in Nursing Care


Submitted By Abray1
Words 1115
Pages 5
A Review of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Health Promotion
Alena Bray
Grand Canyon University: NRS 429V
February 10, 2013

A Review of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Health Promotion
This paper is a review of the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary levels of health promotion.

Three published journal articles were chosen as references-each depicting a situation in the varied levels of care. The levels of health promotion in nursing will be discussed and any differences therein. Also discussed will be the evolution of nursing roles and responsibilities.
Health Promotion Defined

In order to begin, the three levels of health promotion will be defined. The first level- Primary Prevention, are ‘methods to avoid the occurrence of disease’ (Wikipedia 2013). Primary care is what one would seek when an acute issue has occurred; for example, the development of flu symptoms, an infection or a broken bone. Primary care is also concerned with preventive medicine such as pediatric well baby visits.
Secondary Prevention is ‘a method to diagnose and treat existent disease in early stages before it causes significant morbidity’ (Wikipedia 2013). Typically a primary care provider will refer the patient to a secondary care specialist; for example, an oncologist who is a doctor that specializes in cancer.
The third level- Tertiary Prevention, are ‘methods to reduce negative impact of existent disease by restoring function and reducing disease-related complications’ (Wikipedia 2013). For a patient that has ended up in the hospital setting and requires a higher level of specialty care and use of specialty equipment; for example, coronary artery bypass surgery, dialysis or severe burn treatment.
Health care providers may be doctors, nurse practitioners and physician assistants, but nurses are crucial members of the health care team as they are on the

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