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History of Lebanon


Submitted By Carinefenianos
Words 635
Pages 3
A good period to start our timeline with is the Ottoman Empire, 1516-1916. The major crime that the Ottoman Empire committed was ruling the region and assigning local leaders. They weakened the country by dividing Lebanon to sectarian divisions and appointing rulers accordingly. In addition, they intensify the tension between diversities. As a result, in Mount Lebanon, a massacre between the Maronites and the Druze occurred and indirectly evoked wars between these two religions in 1840 and 1860. The reign of the Ottoman Empire continued, to end with the end of the World War 1 in 1916 with the victory of the allies. In 1920, the allies placed Lebanon under the French wardship and expanded its geographical area by taking parts from Syria. The French mandate was not better; the Muslims in Lebanon felt oppressed from the Maronites and refused to do the state of Greater Lebanon and wanted to be part of Syria. On the other hand, Christians were trying to take advantage of the present situation. This caused tensions between these two religions. On September 1, 1920, General Gouraud proclaimed the establishment of State of Greater Lebanon with its present boundaries after splitting few Syrian villages on the southern and western borders with Lebanon. During this period, Lebanese didn’t stop trying hard to gain their independence. In 1943, Paris was obliged to grant Lebanon its independence by reason of Lebanese people’s yearning for autonomy supported by Winston Churchill’s government in London. After the end of World War 2, Lebanese finally reached their goal to have independence in November 1943. At that time, the Lebanese showed solidarity between each other’s. (Christians and Muslims), the Nejadeh and Phalanges parties were united and Muslim and Christian women started manifestations. Those 15 days were filled with patriotic atmosphere. This has proved the exactness of Christian and Muslim accord each in their own symbol in the government, Bechara El Khoury the president of the republic and Riad El Solh the head of the Government. As we can conclude, that after that the proportion of the principal sects in the population was strengthened and Muslims has felt that they are involved in the Lebanese politics, Muslims abandon the idea of unity with the Arab Muslims, and the Christians abandon the idea of getting help from the west. After that time, Lebanon lived a period of stability and prosperity and economic growth and that was called the Golden Time. However, this didn’t last long since many surrounding regional and international events took place that affected Lebanon. In 1948, the first Arab Israeli war occurred where thousands of Palestinians were forced to leave their country and go to the surrounding. After this period, Jamal Abdel Nasser came up with the mind of uniting Lebanon, Syria and Egypt with an intension to constitute an Arab Muslim Nation. At that time, locally Lebanese Muslims supported him but the president Camil Chamoun didn’t back up him which has caused a new formation of tension between Lebanese. In addition, between the year 1967 and 1969, another Arab Israeli war happened while Lebanon maintained a neutral role in this war. The PLO militia at this time started increasing in number threatening the Lebanese stability by controlling the Palestinian refugees in the Lebanese camps. Lebanon started moving towards its darkest place when Cairo agreement was signed. Cairo agreement was made by the PLO leader, Hafez Al Asad and a representative from Lebanon Emile Al Boustany it contains a deal between these three to allow Palestinians to have camps and lands in Lebanon to attack Israel from. The consequences of this agreement were that the Palestinians in Lebanon became powerful because of Syria sending them weapons. While weapons and funding were flowing to Lebanon to different militias, the Lebanese army was getting weaker to take control.

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