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Hola Adios


Submitted By camilamarian9
Words 303
Pages 2
Camila M. Guajardo González #364986
January 12, 2015. Room 1101

I had an incredible time on my winter vacations of December 2014 and January 2015. My dad and all of his brothers planned a trip to Mexico City. The flight was the morning of December 27th at 7:00 a.m so we needed to be at the airport at 5:30 am more less. Counting my family and all the families we were going, we were 21 people in total. We arrived to Mexico at 8:30 a.m and since that time we started visiting museums, turistic places, etc.
We all had an amazing week knowing more about our country, about our culture, but more about our ancestors. One day, we got to visit Teotihuacan with a tour guide named “El Gorila”, he explained to us the story of the pyramids and we climbed most of them. The only one we didn’t climb was the “Moon Pyramid” because we were all very tired of climbing the Sun Pyramid. We had a very funny time at Teotihuacan because one of my uncles couldn’t get down of the Sun Pyramid because he got really dizzy so the guide had to climb the pyramid to get him down and we were all laughing.
The thing I liked the most of visiting Mexico City resides getting together with my cousins, was the house of Frida Kahlo. I am not a very big fan of her but it was very interesting knowing more about her life and her house is really a nice place to visit. I always enjoy spending time with my family but this trip was beyond incredible, I think we all had a wonderful bonding time in the best way we could, so it’s definitely a trip I would repeat.

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