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How Did Geography Shape Latin American Culture

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Geography changed Latin American culture. The triangular trade between Europe, Africa and America helped shape Latin American civilization in numerous ways. There were a variety of objects and people being passed around from civilization to civilization during this time. With all of these objects and people being passed around, the geography and civilizations of Latin America were changing rapidly. The goods, resources and slaves were the most popular objects being traded. Many of the civilizations desperately wanted the slaves. Also, smallpox affected Latin American Civilization immensely because like everything else being passed around, this factor was killing thousands of people. Diseases from domesticated animals also affected civilization because people were also being killed from that as well. Geography did play …show more content…
It all started when the Spaniards invaded Latin America. They came to the land and found that there was an immense amount of gold and silver there. They figured out that they could make a profit off of the gold and silver that they found there, so they extracted all of the precious metals from the mines and started to take over the lands. Then, once they explored Latin America, they found that there was immeasurable amounts of farmland that the Spaniards could use. They used the land to live and build of and later ruined all of it. The Spaniards destroyed the land because of all of the construction and building that they were doing on it. The land was demolished as a result of deforestation, overgrazing, and overcultivation. Western intervention also shaped Latin American history because the Spaniards enslaved everyone who already lived in Latin America. Technically, they had the right to enslave those people because their ruler, Queen Isabella, told them that they could take over the land, even though it was not even their land. Western intervention shaped Latin American history for various

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