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How Did The Virginia Colonies Influence The American Revolution

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The Virginia Colonies Influence Towards an American Revolution

The colonies road towards revolting and seeking independence from their motherland England took time, yet was inevitable. Only when the colonies were sure in their ability to survive without the grip of England could they view the British Empire as a nuisance and seek their independence. The Virginia colonies uproar by the King's violations of their charter, their ability in successfully governing themselves, and creating the modern plantation system which would help ensure economic confidence were the Virginia colonies influence in showing they could survive without the rule of England, catalyzing their fight for independence.
In the year 1606, a joint-stock company called the Virginia Company was granted a charter by the King granting them a …show more content…
Outlined by the framers of the Declaration of Independence, the King “deprived [the colonists] in many cases, of a Trial by Jury”, a fundamental Englishman right outlined in the Magna Carta. The King was also found terrorizing the colonists by sending the British military to attack colonists, burn down their towns, and even send mercenaries out against them. This violence the King projected on the colonists would go against Englishman common law which promised that “no free man” would “in any way be victimized, neither will [the King] attack him or send anyone to attack him”, clearly promised in chapter 39 of the Magna Carta. Alongside these many violations of the colonists “right of an Englishman”, none fueled the colonists cravings for independence than the signing of the Stamp Act of 1765. The Stamp Act came right after the Seven Year war when England was deeply in debt. The Act levied a tax on all paper documents, like newspaper, directly on the American colonies. It was clear that the Act was put in place to use the American colonies to help financially support the heavily in debt

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