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How Europeans View Americans


Submitted By bugz4u03
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How Europeans View Americans:

Whether or not I agree with the author is based on my beliefs and experience with different economic factors. Although this article is opinionated of how the author shares different experiences from different Europeans frames (points of view) of the American society, we should all note that this is not the consensus for all Europeans. In reference to the matters that persuaded the United States to utilized their military might (September 11 2001), are only the actions of the current administered, which resulted in a ripple effect that cast judgment on all the American population. Although determined, the Bush administration left their allies on the sideline; where they felt obligated to respond and defend the homeland, which clearly displayed one difference in the U.S. and European view of security.
In the summer of 2002 in an article Policy Review by Robert Kagan, he stated, “ It is time to stop pretending that Europeans and Americans share a common view of the world, or even that they occupy the same world” (Gordon, P. H, 2003). Cultures and generations have enforced and reinforced the values and belief systems that either population (American and European) have passed down from generation to generation to their children. Although Robert Kagan shared his views in the article, it is safe to say his perceived structure is not destiny, but should not be ignored. (Gordon, P.H. 2003). Apart from many other differences, which differentiate the two countries on each side of the Atlantic, the question remains going forward is that “Can we work together?” or “Can our European allies be replaced?” The foreign policies of both countries play an important role in determining those factors. According to Lambert (2003), a unified Europe faces serious problems, when it comes to developing a coherent approach to foreign policy. The stereotypes that are generated by each side of both parties, can be dismissed if a bipartisan effort discusses the achievements of the past, the contributions of the present ad the projected ideas that will benefit both countries in the near future. This will demonstrate that either country values the other and has respect for each other (Lambert, 2003). In conclusion I will not necessarily say I do agree or disagree with the article but I do respect the authors viewpoints stated by different interactions with the inquiring minds of Europeans. Due to my occupation I have travelled extensively through out the European continent (even too Oslo, Norway) and have encountered the same questions. What I have encountered has left me in awe of how individuals’ perceptions of the United States vary. I never become judgmental or get into an agruement trying to prove who is right or wrong, I just understand that you cannot change culture over night, but it requires generations for you to see that change implemented.

Gordon, P. H. (2003). Bridging the Atlantic Divide. Foreign Affairs, 82(1), 70-83

Lambert, R. (2003, March). Misunderstanding Each Other. Foreign Affairs. pp. 62-74.

“ The great wage slowdown”

Before even attempting to participate in this discussion I must first understand what is causing this stagnation, inflation and unemployment in the economy. As Americans we all want to be rewarded for our efforts that may eventually rip prosperous benefits (higher salaries). This fits right in line with number 5 of the “Principles of Economics” which states “ People respond to incentives.” A country’s economy growth will not steadily increase if wages remain stagnation but not at a rapid as expected, e.g. (U.S. economy).
Business evaluation in my opinion should be structured on what the objective of that company is and how do you as an employee fit into that environment so both parties can benefit mutually. In society today, businesses are run primarily as means to generate cash flow and use employees as a means to an end. Some companies still practice the generational trend of paying CEO’s lumps of bonus and entitlement because of the measured amount of risk involved in their managerial capabilities that encompasses their roles and responsibilities. In this post recession era, equality and fairness seems to be making strides by focusing on more employee centered organizations that promote customers as their main priority.
In an article “ A Fair Day’s Wage” the authors illustrates why wages grew rapidly in the 1950’s was as a result of the economic boom, and because the nature of job employment was not that competitive as it is today (Surowiecki, 2015.) Although inflation existed in that time period, outsourcing of jobs was definitely not a problem and cheaper labor did not hamper the existing demand for employment. What really motivates employees to stay in a job? Or What motivates employers to pay more?
A concept known as the efficiency wage theory, provides an “ alternative approach in which employers, for various reasons, will pay above the market-clearing rates, too employees” (Wu & Ho, 2012). Even though incentives are provided as a benefit to employees, money is not a motivator for all. It can’t be argued that the efficiency wage can be utilized to minimize turnover with employees, absenteeism, boycotts, low morale and poor discipline ( Ryska & Prusa, 2012).
Nations around the world do practice free trade with each other; in the essence one country depends on the other vice versa. Trade laws and tariffs may set the stage for how trading is conducts but some countries under the WTO umbrella don’t think that this organization is doing enough to remain current with changing world economies. A solution to this issue would be for countries to keep changing international policies to fix long and short foreign relation with countries they trade. As stated by Bandow (2014), “ if the latter policy hasn’t worked for 50 years in Cuba, it’s time to try something else.” President Obama draw great criticism for those similar comments echoed in his State of Union speech, but in my opinion his got the Cuba policy right. Each administration that comes sweeping through Washington, will always have their own political agenda they may want to accomplish, most times in my opinion they seem so out of touch with the economy and the people they represent.
If this few changes are implemented systematically I believe the U.S. economy will benefit tremendously. One question that lingers on my mind is; “ Even though you increase wages, has the U.S. economy stopped growing already?” The following article may give you a hint.

Increase wages (minimum wages) > GDP is increased (70% of GDP is consumer spending) > Economy keeps growing

Bandow, D. (2014) Time to trade with Cuba: Regime change sanction is a mirage. Cato Institute. Retrieved from
Surowiecki, J. (2015). A fair day’s wage. The Financial Page. Retrieved from
Wu, J. K., & Ho, C. P. (2012). Towards a more complete efficiency wage theory. Pacific Economic Review, 17(5), 660-676. doi:10.1111/1468-0106.12003
Yska, P., & Prusa, J. (2012) Efficiency wages and involuntary unemployment revisited.. Quarterly Journal Of Austrian Economics, 15(3), 277-303.

Schumpter among others argued that a rise in capitalismwhile including the expansion of markets, the appearance of machines, the organization of factories, and the capita-labor relation is to be found in the creation of means of financing by pure abstract value.

Correa, R. (2007). Wage-Employment Dynamics in the Struggle Against Stagnation. International Journal Of Political Economy, 36(3), 75-88.

In your example above in comparison with Costco and Sam’s, the difference is all about what the improving the human resource management aspect between the two companies. A few differences that stand out between the two are 1. Costco pays a higher salary then Sam’s 2. Costco hires the right people 3. Low turnover rate 4. Invest into employees (create development opportunities) 5. Promote from within (Bolman & Deal, 2013.) The efficiency wage theory that is practiced by Costco and the added medical benefits or package a lot of employees seek no a days compensates for employee retainablity. Costco accepts a social responsibility in the way it uses managerial skills to catering in an environment that values employees and the hard work they produce, which automatically benefits the economy indirectly. Costco's strategy has enabled them to be more profitable. According to Davidson (2013), " A better-paid, better trained worker, will be eager to help customers: they'll also be more eager to help their store sell to them." Davidson additionally mentioned that, stores like Costco, Trader Joe's, QuikTrip and Mercadona ( Spain biggest supermarket chain) use this concept to give them the competitive advantage over reveals.

Davidson, A. (2013). Thinking Outside the (Big) Box. The New York Times. Retrieved from

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