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How Important Was The Siege Of Petersburg In The Civil War

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The siege of Petersburg was one of the most crucial and most important turning points of the Civil War. The Union failed to capture Richmond from the Confederacy, so went to Petersburg as their last chance to make the Confederates surrender. The forces, the fighting tactic, and the casualties of the siege mark the surrender of Robert E. Lee to the Union forces and eventually ended the war at Appomattox Court House. The Union and the Confederacy both put their best forces including the army and leaders into the siege of Petersburg. The Union general, Ulysses S. Grant, had a showdown with the Confederate general, Robert E. Lee, throughout the course of the siege from June 9, 1864 to March 25, 1865. The troops on the Union’s side outnumbered the Confederacy with approximately 100,000 soldiers in comparison with only 52,000 soldiers in the Confederacy. The tactic of fighting from the North was the most well-known factor of the siege. …show more content…
The most distinguishing element of the siege was its trench warfare tactic. Grant digged trenches with over thirty miles in length to approach the city and defeat the Confederacy while blocking their food supply by cutting off the railroad lines from Richmond. The most astounding strategy is known as “The Crater”, Colonel Henry Pleasants suggested an underground tunnel underneath a key Confederate’s fort. He suggested that an explosion would destroy the fort and weaken the Confederate forces. The Union trained African-American soldiers to fight in the “crater” but later replaced them with inexperienced soldiers, the result of high casualty was not unexpected due to the lack of experience from the

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