Premium Essay

How Television Affects Children


Submitted By jordan311
Words 1506
Pages 7
How Television Affects Children
October 28, 2012

How Television Affects Children
Did you know that a study that was reported by the American Academy of Pediatrics discovered that there is more violence in children’s programming than any other programming?(Adams, 2010) Today’s children are influenced by what they see and hear on television whether they are watching a cartoon or an educational program. While some television shows are educational, television can have a more serious effect on a child, like disruptive behavior and obesity.
At times, television may seem like a good idea. Many people use it for a source of entertainment, especially in children. There are some positive effects that result from a child watching television. Today, children have the opportunity to watch shows like Dora, Barney, Blue’s Clues, and Sesame Street. I remember when I was a child watching shows like Sesame Street and Mister Roger’s Neighborhood. Educational shows should contain information that can teach a child about letters, which can improve a child’s vocabulary. Other shows can teach children about shapes, manners, feelings, and even a foreign language. Some television programming can even allow children to explore their imagination and creativity, giving them the opportunity to travel around the world and learn new cultures. Shows which are on the Discovery or History channel and even the National Geographic channel are a good source for educational programming. These channels can provide information on how things were made, a timeline of when certain events happened, and even learn about different animals and places. While television can have positive effects by its educational purposes, it can also have a positive effect by developing a parent child relationship. When parents sit down with their child or children, they are spending time with them. They can

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