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The GED Language Arts, Reading Test

Passing the GED Language Arts, Reading Test

Jean Dean ABE/GED Teacher Mentor Teacher California Distance Learning Project 1

GED Video Partner

Passing the GED Reading Test
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. Martin Luther King, Jr.

TEST OVERVIEW:  Time: 65 minutes  The test consists of fiction and nonfiction readings. • Fiction excerpts include readings from novels, short stories, folk tales, poetry, and plays. • Nonfiction excerpts include readings from reviews, essays, articles, speeches, biographies, business documents, and articles about the visual arts.  The test consists of 40 multiple-choice questions. • 30 of the questions come from fiction readings. • 10 of the questions come from nonfiction readings.  There are seven passages. • Three of the passages are from prose fiction (novels, short stories, and folk tales). • Poetry and plays have one passage each. • Nonfiction has two passages.  There are three literary time periods. One passage comes from each of these periods: • Before 1920 • 1920-1960 • After 1960  The following reading skills are tested: • Comprehension—identifying the main idea, the purpose of a selection, supporting details, and using context clues to discover the meaning of unknown words 2

• • •

Application—applying ideas to a new context Analysis—recognizing the way material is organized, including identifying inferences, figurative language, and knowing an author’s style or tone Synthesis—combining understanding of passage with extra information you bring to the passage, looking at an author’s style, tone, point of view, and purpose

 The number of questions you answer in each reading skill area is as follows: • Comprehension 8 questions • Application 6 questions • Analysis 12-14 questions • Synthesis 12-14 questions  All readings have a purpose question at the beginning of the reading. Read this question to acquaint yourself with the topic. You do not have to answer this question. Rather, use it as a guide to focus on as you read the excerpt. SCORING  All your correct answers are counted. You are not penalized for wrong answers. Therefore, do not leave any blanks. Eliminate the obviously wrong choices, and give an educated try to determine the correct answer.  The scoring center converts your raw score (total number of right answers) to a threedigit standard score. In California you must have a standard score of 410 or higher to pass the reading test.


Video 11 Focus: what the test is and how to prepare for it

You Will Learn From Video 11:  How to answer comprehension, application, analysis and synthesis questions.  How to analyze fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and drama readings.  To read the purpose question in order to orient yourself to the reading.  How to apply test-taking tips to build confidence in taking the test.
Points to Remember: • You read everyday and use critical skills already. The more prepared you are, the more confident you will be, so read, read, read! Pleasure reading, like the newspapers, magazines, and your mail, all give you opportunities to develop skills. Some of the lines of the passages are numbered. If a question refers to a particular line, make sure you go to that line and read the excerpt.

Words You Need to Know:

While viewing the video, put the following vocabulary words in the blanks: purpose question, passages, comprehension, drama, and application. Answers are on page 19. 1. There are seven _____________or readings on the test. 2. The passages are taken from fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and _____________. 3. The basic reading skill is _______________ or understanding what you read. 4. _____________ type questions require you to transfer ideas to a new format. 5. Always remember to read the ____________________at the top of the passage.


Reading is a skill that you possess. By watching the videos and by doing the exercises in the accompanying GED Video Partner Workbooks, you will become that much more proficient in your reading skills. Becoming a skillful reader sets the pattern for learning lifelong. The readings you view are selected from writings in nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and drama. Some readings are from modern day communications, and some are from times long ago or classical readings. There are questions of varying complexity asked about each of the readings. THE PURPOSE QUESTION: WHAT IT IS, WHERE IT IS FOUND, AND WHY YOU SHOULD ALWAYS READ IT At the beginning of every reading is a question. The purpose of the question is to give a reason for reading the material. Use this question to focus your reading. You are not required to answer this question. It is given only to help you concentrate on the ideas presented in the excerpt. Here is a typical purpose question: HOW DID DEATH VALLEY GET ITS NAME? Now as you read the following question. paragraph, focus on the above

In Death Valley in the United States is the lowest and hottest spot in the country. This valley, located in California near the Nevada border, is 282 feet below sea level. It is not uncommon for temperatures to reach 125 degrees. A record of 134 degrees for the nation was recorded in 1931. Its grim name was given by a group of gold seekers in 1849. Let’s explore the four thinking skills necessary to do well on the GED Reading Test. COMPREHENSION: 8 questions out of 40 This skill is the primary one. When an author directly states a fact, an idea, or details about something, a question about this idea is called a comprehension question. In this workbook you will learn how to analyze comprehension questions by learning to do the following skills: • • • • Identify the main idea of a paragraph State the purpose of a passage List the supporting details Use context clues to discover the meaning of unknown words

Identifying the stated main idea of a paragraph: What the selection is about is the main idea. Many times the author puts the main idea in the first sentence of the paragraph as a topic sentence. Sometimes the central message is in the last sentence of the paragraph. The main idea of a paragraph, no matter where it is placed, will always tell what the whole paragraph is about. To find the main idea, make sure you read the whole paragraph.


Stating the purpose of a passage: Sometimes the author has the purpose of providing information to the reader. All writing should have a purpose. Manuals, schedules, recipes, and advertisements are informative forms of writing. Some writing is written to influence the reader. Ask yourself: Why was this written? How will it affect me? Listing the supporting details: Authors support their main ideas by including examples, facts, figures, and explanations. The supporting details give the reader a more complete picture. To find the details, the reader scans, or rereads quickly, but carefully, the portion for the specific information he/she is looking for. Practice some of these skills in answering the following questions. Notice the purpose question centered above the reading. Focus on this question as you read the passage.

WHAT WERE THE CONDITIONS OF OLIVER TWIST’S BIRTH? “Although I am not disposed to maintain that being born in a workhouse, is in itself the most fortunate and enviable circumstance that can possibly befall a human being, I do mean to say that in this particular instance, it was the best thing for Oliver Twist that could by possibility have occurred. The fact is that there was considerable difficulty in inducing Oliver to take upon himself the office of respiration, --a troublesome practice, but one which custom has rendered necessary to our easy existence; and for some time he lay gasping on a little flock mattress, rather unequally poised between this world and the next: the balance being decidedly in favour of the latter. Now, if, during this brief period, Oliver had been surrounded by careful grandmothers, anxious aunts, experienced nurses, and doctors of profound wisdom, he would most inevitably and indubitably have been killed in no time. There being nobody by, however, but a pauper old woman, who was rendered rather misty by an unwonted allowance of beer; and by contract; Oliver and Nature fought out a parish surgeon who did such matters the point between them. The result was, that after a few struggles, Oliver breathed, sneezed, and proceeded to advertise to the inmates of the workhouse the fact of a new burden having been imposed upon the parish, by setting up as loud a cry as could reasonably have been expected from a male infant who had not been possessed of that very useful appendage, a voice, for a much longer space of time than three minutes and a quarter.”
Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist


Circle the correct answer. Answers are on page 19.

1. In order to live as a human being, a new baby must first A. open his eyes. B. wiggle his toes and fingers. C. breathe. D. cry. 2. Who were in attendance at Oliver Twist’s birth? A. grandmothers B. doctors C. nurses D. a slightly drunk woman and a parish surgeon 3. Oliver cried in a loud voice, how long after his first breath? A. 3 minutes B. 3 seconds C. over 3.25 minutes D. 5 minutes 4. Oliver’s birth was greeted as a A. wonderful event. B. burden to society. C. mixed blessing. D. celebrated occasion. 5. Charles Dickens wrote in a sarcastic, negative tone. What is the purpose of using such dismal descriptions? A. to scare those who read his work B. to worry mothers who were expecting children and feared childbirth C. to show the misery experienced by certain segments of society at this time D. to express his distorted views of mankind Using context clues to discover the meaning of unknown words: Unknown words can be unlocked by using the other words in the sentences or paragraphs to help identify the meaning of the word. The context, or surrounding phrases, will sometimes give direct clues to figuring out the meaning when you can’t use a dictionary. And, of course, you can’t use a dictionary on the GED test. Answers are on page 19.


Use context clues to find the meaning of the word, poachers, constant and extrovert. Write the answer in the blank. 1. The crocodile is now faced with extinction from one enemy it cannot handle, the poachers, men who are hunting the crocodile out of existence. Poachers means _________________________________________________________ 2. Not all caves are cold. Some are amazingly warm. Strangely enough, the temperature in a cave, whatever it may be, scarcely varies one degree all year. No spot on the earth’s surface has such a constant temperature. Constant means __________________________________________________________ 3. Dorothy was an extrovert, while Walter was just the opposite and would much rather be by himself. Extrovert means __________________________________________________________

APPLICATION: 6 questions out of 40 The skill of application requires you to use not only comprehension-type reasoning, but to take these skills a step further. You must not only be able to find the main idea and supporting details, but now you must apply these abilities to a totally new and different situation. You must transfer what you have learned to a completely new context or setting. The question will alert you to the new situation, so read the question carefully. Read the passage below to practice this skill. Again, notice the purpose question at the beginning of the reading. Make sure to focus on it as you read the passage. WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS OF THE HIGH WAGES PAID SERVANTS?

“Women servants are now so scarce, that from thirty and forty shillings a year, their wages are increased of late to six, seven, nay, eight pounds per annum, and upwards insomuch that an ordinary tradesman cannot well keep one; but his wife, who might be useful in his shop or business, must do the drudgery of household affairs; and all this because our servant-wenches are so puffed up with pride nowadays, that they never think they go fine enough: it is a hard matter to know the mistress from the maid by their dress; nay, very often the maid shall be much the finer of the two. Our woolen manufacture suffers much by this, for nothing but silks and satins will go down with our kitchen-wenches to support which intolerable pride, they have insensibly raised their wages to such a height as was never known in any age or nation but this.”
Daniel DeFoe, Everybody’s Business Is Nobody’s Business: Or, Private Abuses, Public Grievances: Exemplified in the Pride, Insolence, and Exorbitant Wages of Our Women, Servants, Footmen, Etc…


Circle the correct answer. Answers are on page 19. 1. What is the purpose of this writing? A. to inform the public about the drudgery of housework B. to notify the manufacturers to make more silks and satins C. to praise the servants for dressing so well D. to complain of the high wages of servants in hopes of reducing the wages 2. A female servant now sees herself as A. plain Patricia. B. fancy Fran. C. a hard working Hanna. D. an unemployed Ursula. 3. If a servant was to select the vegetable for the dinner paid for by her escort, she would not choose A. potatoes. B. endive. C. truffles. D. asparagus.

ANALYSIS: 12-14 questions out of 40 Analysis-type questions require the reader to utilize a variety of skills. The reader dissects the whole passage to see the author’s component parts. The parts put together express the author’s message. You must learn to: • Make inferences • Interpret figurative language • Identify the sequence of events • Recognize cause and effect • Understand comparison and contrast Making inferences: By noticing details and putting them together, the reader can infer what is the author’s intention. The writer hints, but does not always state certain facts directly. An educated guess by the reader or “reading between the lines” is called making an inference. Read the following paragraph and practice your inference skills. 9

As Emily looked out the window, she could see the leaves floating off the trees: red, yellow, orange and brown. They glided through the air and landed all over the grass and pavement. She pulled her warm sweater around her and settled back to enjoy nature’s show.

Circle the correct answer. Answers are on page 19. 1. From the information in this paragraph, you can infer that the season is A. winter. B. spring. C. summer. D. fall. 2. You can also infer from the paragraph that Emily is: A. annoyed that she will have to rake the leaves. B. pleased to welcome the new season. C. sad that summer is over. D. puzzled since she hadn’t been aware of the time.

Interpreting figurative language: Words can be taken literally when writers say exactly what they mean, or they can be taken figuratively. A figurative expression does not mean exactly what it says. It expresses the message with words selected for effect, not literal truth. In the conversation that follows, the speakers, discussing the plight of their friend, Betty, use figurative language to express their feelings. ROB: I can’t believe that Joe. He’s not worth a hill of beans. Look what he has done to Betty. She’s bawling her eyes out. CLAY : Yes, I was furious no explanation or held my tongue last time I Well, Joe’s really Betty if she never with Joe. He stood Betty up again, with apology! I was furious with him, but I since he is already angry with me for the corrected him. in the doghouse this time. I don’t blame gives him the time of day again! 10


Now read the same conversation, but with literal language. ROB: CLAY: I can’t believe that Joe. He’s a worthless person, not worthy of respect. Look what he has done to Betty. She is crying excessively. Yes, I was furious with Joe. He did not keep his date with Betty, with no explanation or apology! I was furious with him, but I didn’t yell at him since he is already angry with me for the last time I corrected him. Well, Joe’s really in trouble now. I don’t blame Betty if she never speaks to him again..


Do you notice that the figurative statements are more expressive?

Write L in front of each statement that is used literally. Write F in front of each statement that is meant figuratively. Answers are on page 20. ______1. After winning the lottery, Evelyn will be on Easy Street. ______2. It is not a fake, it’s the real McCoy. ______3. The doctor says I’m in wonderful health. ______4. The doctor says I’m as fit as a fiddle. ______5. Margaret blew her stack..

Identifying the sequence of events: Certain types of writing are organized by the order in which the events take place. Newspapers, history, and fiction writing sometimes use this technique. Look for such words as: first, second, third, finally, after, before, then, and next. Read the passage below and think about the sequence it presents. Making Turkey Gravy Everyone loves to put lots and lots of gravy on his mashed potatoes. Therefore, it is important to know how to make good gravy. First, the cook should scrape up the pieces of turkey left in the pan in which it was cooked. Next, the turkey pieces and juices in which the turkey was cooked should be poured into a fat separating cup. Pour only the juices and turkey pieces back into the cooking pan, leaving the fat in the separating cup. Bring the liquid to a boil. Then add a mixture of cornstarch and water to the liquid to thicken the gravy. Finally, enjoy it over hot, garlic mashed potatoes. 11

Underline the four words in the paragraph, “Making Turkey Gravy,” which indicate the sequence of events. According to the directions, which sequence below is correct? Write the correct number in the following blank. Answers are on page 20. 1. Thaw the turkey before cooking. 2. Pour the juices and pieces of turkey into a fat separating cup. Then pour the fat into the cooking pan. 3. Pour the juices and pieces of turkey into a fat separating cup. Then pour the juices and pieces of turkey back into the cooking pan after separating off the fat. 4. Finally thicken the gravy with cornstarch and water mixture. Recognizing cause and effect: One way to organize writing is to use a method of analysis called cause-and-effect relationship. An author presents a situation or happening. This is known as the cause. The result or reaction to the situation is called the effect. Words such as: reason, so, since, effect, due to, because, outcome, basis ,if and when are key terms that tell you the passage is probably built around cause-and-effect. Think of one thing that could happen as an outcome of the first action in each sentence. Write an effect on each line. Look at the example first. Example: The rock band did not show up for the concert, so the audience demanded their money back. Answers are on page 20.

1. Because the basketball team practiced diligently all week, ________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2. Joann bought me a birthday gift,_____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 3. Due to the rainy weather,___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 4. Since Kay missed the early bus to work, ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


Understanding comparison and contrast: To show similarities, a writer uses comparisons. To show differences, a writers uses contrasts. Comparison and contrast writings will use words such as: compare, contrast, differ, less than, similar, on the other hand, although, better than, and both. Read the following sentences and decide if they describe two things that are the same. If so write, compare. If the sentence describes two things that are different, write, contrast. Read the example first. Answers are on page 20.

Example: In the teacher’s speech and the saleswoman’s talk, they both use persuasive words. compare 1. The real estate agent spoke convincingly of the booming market, while the teacher used numbers to teach word problems.___________________ 2. Both the professor and the computer salesman knew their facts and figures._________________ 3. Although the daycare teacher loved children and planned well for the lessons, the educational toys saleswoman presented the same concepts with a slightly different and unique approach. ___________________________ 4. The appearance of the gym teacher and the sports representative was similar as they both wore the latest athletic shoes and warm up suits. __________________________

SYNTHESIS: 12-14 questions out of 40 This skill is the most complex of all the thought processes. The reader must analyze different parts of a passage to understand it as a whole. Then the reader must apply information from outside the reading to increase his/her understanding of it. You will combine your understanding of the excerpt with your own personal knowledge and world experiences to gain a more thorough understanding. Some of the skills you will need are: • Learning to detect the author’s tone or mood, • Recognizing who is telling the story, • Determining the purpose of a passage, and • Integrating information outside of a reading with knowledge from within the reading.


Learning to detect the author’s tone or mood: Synthesis questions ask you to conclude what the author’s tone is for the entire passage. Sometimes the tone is displayed by the conversation a character has with another character. The reader detects the tone by the word choices of an author. Read the paragraph about a mother opening her front door after working all day. Think about the tone. Nancy couldn’t believe her eyes. There was food of every description. Baked ham, scalloped potatoes, corn on the cob, tossed green salad, brownies and cookies, and so much more. How did her friends and neighbors know? Times had been rough, and many nights, after coming home from work feeling dead tired, she could only offer her family sandwiches for dinner. Her birthday dinner was not going to be any exception. Until. . . someone must have known! Not birthday cake with candles was sitting on only dinner, real dinner, but also a the kitchen table. And friends and family, all smiling and singing “Happy Birthday to You.” Circle one of the following words that Answer is on page 20. describe the tone of this selection.





Recognizing who is telling the story: Either an author, an outside narrator, or one of the characters in the story can tell the events of a story. The point of view is determined by whoever is telling the story. You will have additional practice on determining the point of view in Chapter 13 on prose fiction. Determining the purpose of a passage: Every author has a purpose for writing. Synthesis questions require the reader to determine the main idea of a multi-paragraph reading. You have had practice in finding the purpose of a paragraph, but a synthesis question will require you to evaluate the entire reading with many paragraphs. Integrating information outside of a reading with knowledge from within the reading: Some synthesis questions will ask you to evaluate the reading in light of some additional information that the question provides. Sometimes this is information about what happened before or after the event described, or sometimes, it is information about the author. With this additional information, the reader is asked to draw conclusions. There are usually two or three of this type of question on the test.


Look back at the excerpt from Oliver Twist. If you were given additional information that indicated that Oliver Twist not only was born in a workhouse, but that his mother died at his birth, what conclusion could you make regarding the following question? Answer is on page 20.

1. Knowing this information, which of these life situations would Oliver Twist experience as he grows up? A. an easy life B. a life filled with challenges to overcome C. a life with things handed to him D. an exemplary life all would envy

Interactive Activity: try your hand at questions and answers commentary that follow. painting, “The Elated Crocker Art Museum in Using the information five questions that test answering application, analysis, you are working alone, answers. Sample

Working with a classmate, developing GED type using the picture and This article is a review of a Troubadour,” found in the Sacramento, California. about the painting, write your classmate’s skill in comprehension, and synthesis questions. If write five questions and answers are on page 20.

After Gerrit van Honthorst, Dutch (1590-1656), “The Elated Troubadour,” not dated. Oil on canvas. Crocker Art Museum, E.B. Crocker Collection. “Artletter Sept/Oct. 2003”

September/October 2003 The Crocker’s Very Merry Violinist “The Elated Troubadour is an excellent example of a highly influential tradition in Dutch seventeenth-century painting that grew out of Italy. Specifically, Dutch artists in and around Utrecht adopted the radical painting style of Caravaggio, marked by dramatic juxtapositions of lights and darks and the celebration of lower-class figures in high art. 15

Utrecht artists who embraced this pictorial style—the so-called Caravaggisti—included Terbruggen, Honthorst, Abraham Bloemaert, Cornelis van Poelenburch, Jan Both and many others. In addition to painting landscapes, mythological and religious scenes, these artists often treated a very limited range of conventional, genre subjects including musical groups, revelers, card players, drinkers, and gamblers. Typical of the work of Terbruggen and Honthorst, the Crocker’s painting depicts a single, middle-aged male, smiling, fancifully dressed, and holding a glass and musical instrument. In these paintings, the sometimes-voyeuristic act of looking is thematized. In the Crocker’s Merry Violinist, for example, the troubadour looks closely (even longingly) at his drink, just as the viewer is meant to look closely (even admiringly?) at him. In an era of strict Calvinist admonitions against wanton behavior, these pictures may well have provided a vicarious means for enjoying common activities not allowed in elite, upstanding, Reformed Protestant circles. “Given this strict religious climate however, many twentieth-century scholars have argued for the emblematic, and possibly moralizing, aspect of these Dutch genre paintings. By this account, such paintings about drinkers or gamblers were thought to warn viewers against the evils of such behaviors. Yet as art historian Wayne Franits has argued, this interpretation of painting as a form of moral admonishment is problematic because it assumes that painters “operated ‘in league’ with pastors of the Reformed Church … for the moral improvement of their patrons,” despite the fact that religious personnel openly objected to the subjects of the paintings as being indecent (lichte) or ungodly (afgodische).1 Thus, while strict Calvinists may have wished to interpret the paintings as warnings against moral turpitude, it is likely that such subjects simultaneously reflected a secular interest in, or taste for, the pictorialization of prostitution, drinking, gambling and dancing. Indeed, such activities flourished in brothels, music houses, and taverns in seventeenth-century Utrecht.”

Wayne Franits, “Emerging from the Shadows: Genre Painting by the Utrecht Caravaggisti and Its Contemporary Reception,” in Masters of Light: Dutch Painters in Utrecht in the Golden Age, exh. cat., The Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, and The Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997), p. 115.


Please write your questions and your answers here. Question 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Answer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

EXERCISE Using the techniques you have been practicing in comprehension, application, analysis, and synthesis, answer the following questions. There will be five answers, with only one answer being the correct one. WHAT IS IT LIKE FOR HUCK FINN TO LIVE WITH THE WIDOW DOUGLAS? “After supper she got out her book and learned me about Moses and the Bulrushers; and I was in a sweat to find out all about him; but by-and-by she let it out that Moses had been dead a considerable long time; so then I didn’t care no more about him; because I don’t take no stock in dead people. “Pretty soon I wanted to smoke, and asked the widow to let me. But she wouldn’t. She said it was a mean practice and wasn’t clean, and I must try to not do it any more. That is just the way with some people. They get down on a thing when they don’t know nothing about it. Here she was a bothering about Moses, which was no kin to her, and no use to anybody, being gone, you see, yet finding a power of fault with me for doing a thing that had some good in it. And she took snuff too; of course that was all right, because she done it herself. “Her sister, Miss Watson, a tolerable slim old maid, with goggles on, had just come to live with her, and took a set at me now, with a spelling-book. She worked me middling hard for about an hour, and then the widow made her ease up. I couldn’t stood it much longer. Then for an hour it was deadly dull, and I was fidgety. Miss Watson would say, ‘Don’t put your feet up there, Huckleberry; and don’t scrunch up like that, Huckleberry—set up straight.’; and pretty soon she would say, ‘Don’t gap and stretch like that, Huckleberry, why don’t you try to behave?’ ” Mark Twain , The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn


Circle the correct answer. Answers are on page 21. 1. From the words and grammar used by Huck, the reader infers that Huck’s education is: (1) only minimal (2) of a high degree (3) college level (4) street language (5) hard to determine 2. If Huck were to eat dinner in a restaurant, which would he not choose? (1) a pizza place (2) a five star restaurant (3) a casual, fast food type (4) a hamburger stand (5) an automatic vending machine 3. Moses and the Bulrushers would be found in which book or magazine: (1) dictionary (2) thesaurus (3) Bible (4) sports magazine (5) music review 4. The main idea of these paragraphs is (1) to show how Huck Finn sees life as opposed to how Widow Douglas sees life. (2) to make fun of Huck’s speech. (3) to illustrate how Widow Douglas is more educated than Huck Finn. (4) to show the difference between adults and children in the south. (5) to make the reader feel sorry for Huck Finn. 5. How did Huck feel as Widow Douglas read to him about Moses? (1) He was sweating. (2) He was excited to learn about him until he found out that Moses was no longer living. (3) He was bored and wished she would stop. (4) He was confused. (5) He was interested but too hot. 6. “No stock in dead people” means: (1) People who have died have bought no stock. (2) A person who is dead is of no interest to the speaker. (3) Dead people should not be talked about. (4) The stock of dead people is important to no one. (5) Only Southern people understand the true meaning.


Answers, Examples, and Explanations Page 4: Words You Need to Know 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. passages drama comprehension application purpose question

Page 7: Comprehension 1. C Comprehension (supporting details) In the last sentence, “Oliver breathed, sneezed, and proceeded to advertise to the inmates. . .” 2. D Comprehension (supporting details) “There being nobody by, however, but a pauper old woman . . .and a parish surgeon. 3. C Comprehension (supporting details) In the last sentence, “a male infant who had not been possessed of that very useful appendage, a voice, for a much longer space of time than three minutes and a quarter.” A quarter being equal to .25 or 15 seconds. 4. B Comprehension (supporting details) “a new burden having been imposed upon the parish” 5. C Comprehension (unstated purpose) Page 8: Context Clues 1. men who are hunting the crocodile out of existence 2. scarcely varying in measurement 3. a person liking to be with other people Page 9: Application a. D Comprehension Answer found in first, long sentence. b. B Application The servants no longer see themselves as being subservient and thus would choose a name not degrading to themselves. c. A Application The servants would not choose potatoes as they are too common. Page 10: Inference a. D The clues are: falling leaves, pulling sweater around her. b. B “…enjoy nature’s show” is the clue.


Page 11: Figurative Language a. b. c. d. e. F F L F F

Page 12: Sequence of Events a. First, next, then, finally b. 3 Page 12: Cause and Effect (Any answers similar to these answers are accepted.) 1. 2. 3. 4. they won the game easily. since we’ve been dating over one year. we will do indoor activities this weekend. I will have to take the later bus, but I’ll still be on time.

Page 13: Comparison and Contrast 1. 2. 3. 4. contrast compare contrast compare

Page 14: Tone or Mood 1. grateful

Page 15: Integrating Outside Information 1. B

Page 17: Interactive Activity Sample Questions and Answers (There may be other possible questions.) 1. What does Elated Troubadour mean? Merry Violinist 2. Is the violinist of upper or lower class? Lower class 3. How would you describe the artist’s technique? Uses lights and darks together 4. What does the word “vicarious” mean? To experience something without really taking part in the activity


5. What is the viewer of the painting vicariously experiencing? The joy of drinking which was looked down upon by society of that time

Page 18: EXERCISE 1. (1) Analysis Phrases such as “learned me, let it out, and didn’t care no more” support this answer. 2. (2) Application He would be most at home in a casual place. 3. (3) Synthesis The key word here is “Moses” and the reader must relate him to the Bible. 4. (1) Comprehension (main idea) All details point to this conclusion. 5. (2) Comprehension (supporting details) “ I was in a sweat to find out all about him; but by-and-by she let it out that Moses had been dead.” 6. (2) Comprehension (context)


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...Kate Fox: I recognise your name, but your face escapes me The Journal I didn’t recognise Renee Zellwegger in her most recent photos, but then that’s not unusual for me. I’m so bad at recognising faces that there have been occasions where someone I’ve just met has left the room and I haven’t realised they ware the same person when they come back in a few minutes later. Between our first date and second date my now-husband shaved his beard off but when he mentioned it I said “What beard?”. I can generally manage to recognise the school children I work with by their hairstyles. Uniforms can add a level of challenge though and at the moment the difficulty level has been stepped up in a all girl Muslim school where I run a writing group. The girls wear both uniforms and headscarves. I keep saying that I’m bad with faces and have resorted to getting them to always sit in the same places every week. I am now very used to the hurt expression that comes over somebody’s face when you’ve met them before but fail to recognise them. My rudeness has an actual neurological root though, honest. There’s a condition called “Prosopagnosia” which comes from the Greek word “Proso” meaning face and “Agnosia” meaning to forget, though in my experience, going on about an obscure quirk in which your brain’s facial recognition software is badly wired, doesn’t make them the people you forget feel any better! Faces are such a key marker of our identity that, of course, changing our face changes the way...

Words: 679 - Pages: 3

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How to Eat Chicken Nuggets

...9/20/14 Process Essay 1 ! How to Eat a Chicken Nugget Ordering and eating chicken nuggets can be a difficult feat, but if you do it right they can be very delicious. There are many wonderful types of chicken nuggets, and one example would be the ones that are served at a fast food restaurant. Another type are the ones you can buy frozen from the grocery store. The two types are totally different so don't get confused. “Whether you're a current or former fan, one thing that's important to know is that all nuggets are not created equal” (Jackson). So the one that we will be learning how to order and eat are the flavorful chicken nuggets from the fast food restaurants. The best seem to be from McDonalds because of their,“ever-popular Chicken McNuggets” (McDonalds). Now before you can devour your yummy chicken nuggets you will need to order them. There are two ways to go about ordering chicken nuggets from a fast food restaurant. The first and quickest way would be to go through the drive through line and speak clearly through the speaker to the kind employee. After you ask the this kind employee how their day is going you can then ask for a six-piece meal, or if you are starving from a long exhausting day, you could order a ten-piece meal, or if you want to go really big, you could order a twenty-piece meal. Once you complete your order you will have to drive up to the window to pay the nice lad or gal who you spoke your order to. When you are told how much you owe either pull...

Words: 745 - Pages: 3

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How Much You Eat

...What are the physical and mental effects of television on children In the last century, life on earth had gone through a big change in the domain of technology. As a result of this evolution, people’s lifestyle had changed and their ways of thinking had changed too. As being a new hope of society, children are also affected by technology. One of the most effective technology on children is television. Television has been broadcasting for a long time and now, it seems like a part of everyone’s life. This is because television has access everything such as news, film, music, etc to people. But nowadays, it seems like a perpetrator affects badly on kids mental for some reason. Firstly, children are being taken affect from fear of violence. Small children don’t have a good realization so they can’t distinguish between realistic and fantasy (Lane 2007). As a result, they can easily be trauma and being a victim of violent crime. Secondly, effect from negative information set up bad stereotypes and behaviours (Lane 2007). For example, smoking and drinking alcohol is a bad manner in an exciting environment. Young children are easily impacted by actions of their idols. They are too young to recognise which behaviour is right or wrong. They only want to show off themselves to be the same whom they admire. We need to teach them it’s a blind action. Next, commercials, exaggerated sense and distorted sense of materialism are also some effects that attack to children (Lane 2007). More and...

Words: 488 - Pages: 2

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Clementine Paddleford's How America Eats

...Clementine Paddleford lived for food. “Tell me where your grandmother comes from and I can tell you how many kinds of pie you serve for Thanksgiving,” she wrote in her book “How America Eats.” Paddleford approached food like people: Each morsel had its own story to tell. George Cornish, former managing editor of the New York Herald Tribune, mentioned that her work took readers on a trip down sensory lane. “I had to send right downstairs for an apple,” he said, “and I suspect most of our readers felt the same way when Clem turned on the salivary juices.” Paddleford died Monday in New York. The cause of death was not disclosed. She was 69. Paddleford was born Sept. 27, 1898 in Stockdale, Kan. She grew up on a prairie farm but moved to Manhattan, Kan. She often helped her mother in the kitchen,...

Words: 506 - Pages: 3

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How Often Do You Eat in a Restaurant

...How often do you eat in a Restaurant? How often do you eat in a Restaurant?  Once a weekTwice a weekOnce a month | Other (please specify) | . When going to a Restaurant which criteria are important for you (1-6, 1 being most important) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Restaurant Concept | | | | | | | Dinning Environment | | | | | | | Food Quality | | | | | | | Service | | | | | | | Price | | | | | | | Convenience | | | | | | | Other (please specify) 9. What style of Restaurant would you prefer? What style of Restaurant would you prefer?  TraditionalHomeyModern | Mixed Traditional and ModernI don’t mind | What Time you prefer to visit a Restaurant? What Time you prefer to visit a Restaurant?  Breakfast (9am – 11am)Lunch (12pm – 4pm)Dinner (7pm – 12pm) | Other (please specify) | How would you prefer the food to be Served? How would you prefer the food to be Served?  Simple | Crafted | Flavorful |  Is it important for you to know where and how food is being Grown? Is it important for you to know where and how food is being Grown?  Yes | No | Is it important to you to know what goes into Making the food? Is it important to you to know what goes into Making the food?  Yes | No | How much normally do you Spend for dinner in a Restaurant? How much normally do you Spend for dinner in a Restaurant?  QR 60~ QR 150 per headQR 150~ QR 200 per headQR 200~ QR 250 per head | QR 250~ QR 300 per headOver QR 300 per head |  Do...

Words: 784 - Pages: 4

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How We Treat the Animals We Eat

...How We Treat the Animals We Eat Angela M Groves DeVry University How We Treat the Animals We Eat Are the factory farms we buy our meat from treating animals humanely? Animal mistreatment is illegal and we can make a difference to put a stop to it. According to Ethical Farms “Some of the largest US factory farms refuse to uphold humane USDA and OSHA standards, having unsanitary, unhealthy conditions and animal rights violations. In 1958, the US government composed the Humane Slaughter Act that is not enforced” (Ethical Farms, 2010). There are 7 statutes in effect that comprise the Humane Slaughter Act. Included in these sections are Congress' statement that livestock must be slaughtered in a humane manner to prevent needless suffering, research methods on humane methods of slaughter, the non-applicability of these statutes to religious or ritual slaughter, and the investigation into the care of non-ambulatory livestock. There are farms that follow the Humane Slaughter Act in raising their livestock that we can purchase our food from, like Humane Farms for example. By aligning our consumerism with Restaurants and grocery store chains that purchase from humane farms we can make an impact. Also, supporting an Animal Rights group like The American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals(ASPCA) or The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals(PETA) can make a big difference. You can support them either monetarily or by volunteering your time in your local area. In...

Words: 1820 - Pages: 8

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Why How We Eat Affects Our World

...How What We Eat Affects Our Climate It's not only how we choose to travel or heat our homes that determines our carbon footprint. What we eat also has a climate impact. Understanding the resources that go into producing our meals can make us more aware of the relationship between food and climate change, and help us make better choices. There are several factors that contribute to food's climate impact, including: how low on the food chain it is, how much energy is used to produce it and how far it has to travel before it gets to the table. Meat production is a major contributor to climate change. It is estimated that livestock production accounts for 70 percent of all agricultural land use and occupies 30 percent of the land surface of the planet. Because of their sheer numbers, livestock produce a considerable volume of greenhouse gases (such as methane and nitrous oxide) that contribute to climate change. In fact, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has estimated that livestock production is responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gases. Other agricultural practices can impact the climate. Synthetic pesticides and fertilizers are widely used in agriculture, and are often made from fossil fuels. Manufacturing and transporting these chemicals uses significant quantities of energy and produces greenhouse gases. Not surprisingly, studies have shown that chemical farming uses considerably more energy per unit of production than organic farms, which...

Words: 706 - Pages: 3

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Case 5 How Long Does It Take to Eat a Happy Meal

...CASE #5 McDonalds: How Many Minutes Does It Take To Eat A Happy Meal FACTS McDonald’s has a branch in New York City that is located within the Korean community The elderly customers of the said branch would stay from opening up to closing time The said customers would only purchase a single cup of coffee or a small packet of fried to be shared by the whole group McDonald’s set a time limit to resolve the issue but the Korean community reacted badly against it saying that elders are entitled to a certain level of respect STAKEHOLDERS McDonalds Korean elders Korean community Other customers of the fast food chain Family of the customers Family of the employees ETHICAL ISSUES The ethical issue involved in this case is McDonald’s decision to impose a time limit for eating and the kicking out of customers, in this case, Korean elders who have overstayed their welcome inside the fast food chain. Another ethical issue to point out is the ethicality of the decision of the elderly customers to stay in McDonalds from dawn to closing time and whether they have the right as customers to do so. It is true that elders are entitled to a certain level of respect but in turn, elderly customers should have the decency to return that respect to the business establishment. Considering that McDonald’s branches in the US offer coffee and free refills to customers in the morning, it may seem exploitative towards McDonalds. Having customers who loiter inside for unconventionally long...

Words: 461 - Pages: 2

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A Trip

...never had the‬started making the connection between my family's lives and mine. I finally understood that the reason I never had the‬ started making the connection between my family's lives and mine. I finally understood that the reason I never had the‬ started making the connection between my family's lives and mine. I finally understood that the reason I never had the‬ How important is it for a family to eat dinner together? I am currently the sole source of income for my family. My husband is a stay at home husband and we have a 9 1/2 year old son. My husband simply does not like to sit down at the dining room table and eat with my son and I. He prefers to sit in the living room in front of the tv or in front of the computer in the computer room and eat his dinner while either watching tv or surfing the net. It makes me feel like he is sending us a message that he is too good to sit down and eat with us. He will make exceptions for holiday meals or birthday meals. I have insisted that he sit down and eat with us and told him how it makes me feel, but he tells me that most families don't eat together anymore. I'd love to hear what you all do at meal time and what...

Words: 863 - Pages: 4

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Unit 1.07 Lab Answers

...What's wrong with what we eat? 1. What is the overall message that Mark Bittman is trying to get across in his Ted Talk? Mark Bittman's overall message is to promote and convince people to stop believing what everyone believes about diets and the type of food they consume. People don’t eat real food anymore livestock that is raised industrially is not real food if you have to inject vitamins and steroids to animals to make them grow that is not real food. In today's society there's no family dinner, now we have frozen pizza or some type of frozen food. If you stop eating less meat and more plants we would be able to change the world and also let livestock on its own natural habitat and not raise them in industries. 2....

Words: 846 - Pages: 4

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Health and Social Care Food Log

...and energy balance What’s your nutritional energy balance? (a) Are you sedentary= 1,800 (b) Moderately active=2,000 (c) Active=2,400 Do you eat a lot of energy giving foods? Yes/No If yes, you will likely gain weight. Do you burn more calories than you eat? Yes/No If yes, you will lose weight. 2. Growth Charts 3. Weight for height and gender Gender: Female Weight: 72kg Height: 5’ft 6 4. Body Mass Index (BMI) 25.9 healthy weights 5. Recommended and actual food intake - How often do you base your meals on starchy foods? Everyday - Do you eat at least 5 different types of fruit and vegetables a day? No - Do you eat between 2-4 portions of oily fish a week? No - How often do you try to cut down on saturated fat and sugar? Everyday - Do you eat more than 6g of salt daily? No - Do you skip breakfast? No 6. Dietary reference values The human body needs a variety of nutrients and the amount of each nutrient needed is called the nutrient requirements for energy, protein, thiamine, niacin, vitamins B6, B12 and C, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, copper and iodine all increase. I eat a lot of starchy foods and eat fruits once in a while, I also eat foods rich in protein in moderation, I eat less than 6g of salt a day, and I also take dairy products moderately. 7. Reference nutrient intakes and reference per portion and per 100g of food. How much of the following do you consume daily: •energy: 2,000 •saturated fat content: 40g •sugar content: less than 3g •salt content: less than...

Words: 991 - Pages: 4

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Super Size Me

...Super Size Me Assignment To begin with, I have seen this movie Super Size Me before in high school. This is my second time watching it and I am still shocked by what is said in this movie. With that being said, I do eat fast food quite often. I eat it about 2-3 times a week. I do not live at home so I no longer get home cooked meals from my mom. I try to cook by myself sometimes but there are only so many things I know how to make and is sometimes more convenient for me just to drive down the street and get Del Taco or Weiner Schnitzel’s. Also with work and school I try my best to bring my own lunch or eat at a restaurant rather than going to a fast food joint. This film relates to the NF15 course in many ways, one of them being that when the narrator interviewed random people on the streets, nobody knew what a calorie was. This shows that people hear the word calories and see it on every food label and everywhere they look that there’s food, but still do not know what it is. This goes to show that people do not generally care about calories and how much they take in. Most people who eat fast food also do not know how many calories they are taking in from the food that they ordered. The foods ordered from fast food restaurants do not have food labels and only some will give you a nutrition facts sheet if asked for one. The film also showed that an order of small fries had 200 calories while the large order had 600 calories. That is 3 times the amount of calories...

Words: 1584 - Pages: 7

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Eating Habits

...The Problem and its Background INTRODUCTION Eating is the ingestion of food to provide for all organisms their nutritional or medicinal needs particularly for energy and growth. Everyone must eat in order to survive. Eating is not about strict nutrition philosophies staying unrealistic thin, or depriving everyone self of the food they love. Rather it’s about feeling great having more energy stabilizing their mood and keeping them self as healthy as possible. Filipinos love to eat, and since they’re naturally hospitable and gregarious, food is the basis of their social life. Because the feeling of fulfilment after eating rice, their staple ingredient, is relatively short- lived, they eat three meals a day and two snacks in between. Filipinos, especially country folk, rise early. Some will eat a Segundo almuerzo (second breakfast) around 10:30, plus a merienda, or mid- afternoon snack. Rural folk eat their main meal at midday, while city dwellers emphasize the evening meal. This study is written to help Batangeños to become aware about how they eat. It will also broaden the mind of Batangeños that eating habit is not just about eating but it can be cause also Batangeños suffer in illness and death. The research will also enlighten Batangeños mind to be more careful of what they eat. This research will help every Batangeños to share and to let others know about eating habits. This topic would be interesting to the readers because it contain all the answers to their questions...

Words: 4641 - Pages: 19

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...half hours in front a television screen a day (Volunteer Guide 2012). Children are uneducated on what they should eat, and as adults it is job to teach them what they should eat. Children that are overweight are more likely to be bullied and discriminated against regardless of their age, race, social skills, or academic skills (Thomson Reuters). If we gave children the option to eat what they wanted, they would eat cookies, cakes, fast-food, and drink sugar enriched drinks. Today’s public schools are cutting back on their physical education programs, Congress is worried that schools are seeing to many obesity children (McClatchy2012). Elementary children receive two hours of physical education per week; they do not receive enough education and exercise. Lack of physical and nutritional education will result in the obesity rising (McClatchy2012). Seventeen percent of American children six to nineteen years old are obese, and one third of American children are overweight (McClatchy2012). Schools served unhealthy lunches to students and do not offer enough physical education. The lunches that the school system are only aiding to obesity to children, they are teaching children that pizza, French fries, soda, chips, and chicken nuggets are great choices to eat. I believe schools should offer health food classes because children are uneducated about what they should eat. Children go to school to learn about all different types of information, and I think that they should teach a...

Words: 808 - Pages: 4