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How to Use Qtp


Submitted By feldex
Words 7929
Pages 32
Table of Contents 1 Session 1 INTRODUCTION TO QTP 9.5 3 1.1 Introduction 3 1.2 Add-ins in 9.5 3 1.3 Use of Addins 3 1.4 Add-in Manager 4 1.5 Benefits of Automated Testing: 4 1.6 The 7 phases of QTP 5 1.6.1 Preparing to record 5 1.6.2 Recording a session on your application 5 1.6.3 Enhancing your test 6 1.6.4 Debugging your test 6 1.6.5 Running your test 6 1.6.6 Analysing the test results 6 1.6.7 Reporting defects 6 1.7 QTP Main Window 7 2 Recording Modes and Run Modes 11 2.1 Major steps before scripting 11 2.2 Exercise 11 2.3 Recording Modes 12 2.3.1 Normal 12 2.3.2 Analog 12 2.3.3 Low Level 14 2.4 Run Modes / Execution Modes / Playback Modes 15 2.4.1 Run Mode 15 2.4.2 Maintenance Run Mode 15 2.4.3 Update Mode 16 3 Session 3 17 3.1 Introduction 17 3.2 Object Repository Types 17 3.2.1 Local Object Repository 17 3.2.2 Shared Object Repository 18 3.2.3 How to associate Shared Repository 19 3.3 Object Repository Window 19 3.4 Exporting Local Objects to an Object Repository 20 3.5 Managing Shared Object Repository Associations: 20 3.6 Object Repository Manager 21 3.6.1 Performing Merge Operations 22 4 Section 4: SYNCHRONISING YOUR TEST 25 4.1 Synchronisation Options 25 4.1.1 Modifying Timeout Values 25 4.1.2 Adding Exist and Wait Statements 25 4.1.3 Creating Synchronisation Points 25 4.2 Exercise 26 4.2.1 Using Wait statement in Script: 26 4.2.2 To insert a synchronization point for property value 27

Session Objectives:
In this session you will learn: * Introduction and Advantages of QTP 11 * QTP Window * Capture and Playback Principle
QTP stands for Quick Test Professional which is Mercury’s advanced keyword-driven testing solution. It is a

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