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Hrm Practice


Submitted By havestman78
Words 3338
Pages 14
(A CASE STUDY OF EDUCATION AND BANKING SECTOR IN BAHAWALPUR) Muhammad Azhar Sheikh 1 Wusat-ul-Qamar 2 Fariha Iqbal 3


Abstract: This research has been conducted to study the impact of HRM practices (career development opportunities, supervisor support, working environment, rewards and work-life policies) on employee retention in The Islamia University of Bahawalpur as well as the banks in Bahawalpur. The data collected through questionnaire from 101 respondents. The results show the positive relationship of above mentioned HRM practices with employee retention. Conclusions as well as directions for future research are discussed.

During the last decade, the personnel/HRM field has shifted from a

micro focus on individual HRM practices to a debate on how HRM as a more holistic management approach may contribute to the competitive advantage of the organizations. Three different perspectives have been used in recent researches on the relationship between HRM practices and organizational performance, organizational retention and organizational strategies. (Bjorkman and Pavlovskaya: 2000) A number of studies have found that managing turnover is a challenge for organizations, as different organizations using different approaches to retain employees (American Management Association, 2001).Employee retention is also likely to be important for firm performance. If the company is not able to retain its employees, it will not be able to capitalize on human assests developed within the organization. (Shekshnia, 1994) Retention is considered as all-around module of an organization’s human resource strategies. It commences with the recruiting of right people and continues with practicing

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