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Hugo Corporation


Submitted By Max2016
Words 665
Pages 3
Application Lesson – Lessons 1 through 5 (70 points total)
Please answer the questions following each of the cases or problems. The assigned questions should be answered thoroughly in your own words in essay format and submitted using the on-line testing system at The level of writing should reflect the graduate level and the content should reflect a solid understanding of the subject matter.
NOTE: This lesson is weighted as 5% of the total course grade.
Hugo Corporation – Maximize Price Competition (10 points)
(Please see your Study Reference Guide on pages 619-6-1 and 619-6-2 to answer the following questions.)
Answer the following questions: 1. You are concerned about the clarity of the purchase description in light of the lack of competition on the current purchase. As a buyer, what can you do?
Part of the Buyer responsibilities is to understand what he/she is buying. Therefore, in light of a full understanding of the past procurement/award I will start by reading the single source justification form and the statement of Work (SOW) or blue prints. Last but not least, the quantities of each items that were procure by my agency and other agencies in the past. Government best practice of buying is competition.
Since competition in this case was not reach, then I will start by reading the Single Source form that will allow me to understand the reason for not competing this procurement. If it was for a technical reason, what were those technicalities; if it was a matter of cost; what were those financial/monetary limits. If it was copy rights, make sure the proper supporting documentation are in place; such as XDFEW. In combination with the reason of the single source, date of the award will encourage me to try to send RFPs. Especially if the reason was a technicality. If it was more than three years of the award I will probably would send

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