...Multidimensional Lenses on Migration Dilara Sönmez Middle East Technical University Department of International Relations, #1541077 ABSTRACT National and international security has gained new meanings and elements in recent years, especially after Cold War. The changed concept of security has been more and more broadened with accelerated effects of globalization and shocking September 11 events. The new issues of security agenda may be listed as immigration, global terror, climate change, energy, internal violence, human security etc. This article recovers mainly how irregular migration effects national and human security in a multi dimensional framework, from theories to the cases under several sections of the paper. Firstly, the definition and types; secondly motivations of immigration are outlined with a historical and theoretical briefs. Then the general perception on migration and motivations of migration will be connected more specific sections that are, in sequence, international lenses on migration regarding state and public securities and more specifically, the lenses of the US and European Union on migration. The conclusion part put my arguments as done during article that are both agreed and disagreed with the mainstream theories and the opinions of expert that are stated in the article. Definitions and Types of Migration The term of migration has several definitions that give almost similar meanings. Generally, in social science literature, Migration is the movement...
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...The topic I chose to do is migration. Migration is the movement of people from one place to another. There are four main types of migration permanent, temporary, voluntary or forced and they can be internal or international. Internal means going from your country to another within the same region and international means to from one country to another. There are various reasons why people migrate and migration has to do a lot with push and pull factors. Push factors are those which force a person to move. This can include drought, famine, lack of jobs, over population and civil war. Pull factors are those which encourage a person to move. These include a chance of a better job, better education and a better standard of living. In my article reviews I will reveal some of the reasons for migration. Since migration occurs all over the world I decided to go beyond the beautiful tranquil waters of The Bahamas into the regions of South Africa and China. I selected two out four articles which are related Africa and the other two on China these are all based on some form of migration. My first article is entitle Migration and Elderly Africans in the United States and this speaks distinctively on Immigration migration. The second article entitle The socio-economic impact of African immigration on urban development in South Africa: the case of Empangeni this speaks distinctively on African immigration in South Africa. My third article entitle Rural-urban migration and urbanization in Gansu...
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...Many push factors for migrations throughout history seem to always have been initiated by US involvement. Many of these factors usually involve monetary and expansion goals. Therefore, these push factors created a disparity in the case of Cuba and the Dominican Republic. According, to Juan Gonzales the Latino immigration is and will be an unstoppable phenomenon. The 1860 Cuban immigration began as Spain was in control over Cuban territory. Many of these factors instigated Cuban defection from the Spanish Crown. This started from Spain’s taxation towards the wealthy. The US involvement took effect rapidly as most of these merchants and businessmen conducted business in American soil. Many of these individuals instantly were given...
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...Gabriel Lima AP United States History Mr. Reinhardt June 10th, 2024. Immigration during the Gilded Age and Its Impact on America’s Development. The period between 1870 and 1920, often referred to as the Gilded Age, was a transformative era in American history, marked by rapid industrialization, urbanization, and economic expansion. Central to this dynamic period was the massive influx of immigrants who arrived on American shores in search of better opportunities. These immigrants played a pivotal role in shaping the economic landscape of the United States, contributing significantly to its growth and development. They provided the labor force essential for the burgeoning industries, fueled innovation and entrepreneurship, and enriched the...
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...of historic interest; nor is it the concern of the company. Because new ethnic populations grew at the same time as Western economies, they are in a phase of slow growth and are facing the massive technological challenge; the ethnic adaptation and the mobility are central questions. (Waldinger 1990). In Europe, the activities managed by persons of minority ethnic groups were always present, but changeable historic circumstances increased jutting out to them and visibility during the last decades. First of all, the important immigration of former colonies of Southern Europe and North Africa led to a considerable migration. Secondly, thirty years of economic change caused a fundamental transformation of the labor market and a general change of the employment in big companies to the independent work in young companies. This tendency struck certain groups of immigrant much harder than the other native populations, which is reflected by the higher...
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...Immigration and Immigrants A Pathway to Permanency Immigration and Immigrants: A Pathway to Permanency American culture has been shaped by immigrants from all around the world dating back to the founding of this country. Since the beginning, people have migrated to the United States for relief and opportunity. The United States is currently experiencing a new wave of immigration; namely Latinos. Many of whom are migrating to escape the dangers of their homeland. Others are migrating to move beyond the political chaos and economic deprivation of their countries in hopes of having an opportunity at the American Dream and all of its promises. It can be agreed that immigrants come to the United States for the betterment of themselves and their families. However, their dreams are often shattered by the obstacles of gaining residency and citizenship no matter the length of the time they have resided in the United States. While immigrants are the foundation of our nation, immigration regulations were put into place in the 1700’s and has undergone changes throughout the years. Over the past several decades, there has been an emphasis on immigrants’ impact on our economy. In our current state combined with the vast amount of illegal immigrants entering and residing in the United States, immigration and immigrants are significant to America’s success. Our country’s international stature is dependent upon the advancements we make to enhance the lives of our young immigrant population; by...
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...Spain 1. Immigration laws and policies in Spain 2. Main countries from where people emigrate to Spain 1. Bulgarians in Spain 3. Main reasons for choosing Spain III. Conclusion The data used in this project is from year 2005. Why did I choose this topic? Watching half of my classmates applying in foreign universities and many of my friends and family choosing to live abroad in order to have “better life” made me wonder what the reasons behind the migrations are. I was interested in the scientific explanation behind the migration processes. This paper gave me the opportunity to understand the incentives behind people’s decisions and the main reasons, pushing people from our own country. And even if I didn’t choose the case of Spain for my topic it proved to be a very interesting one. I learned many new things while writing this paper and it was really interesting to read all this information about immigrants and their reasons to go to Spain and not some other country. I. Introduction 1. The term immigration and the general theories behind it...
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...THE ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF IMMIGRANTS The Role of Human and Social Capital AGNIESZKA KANAS Kanas, A.M. The Economic Performance of Immigrants. The Role of Human and Social Capital Dissertation, Utrecht University, The Netherlands Cover illustration: Krzysztof Wodiczko, Goscie/Guests, 2009, instalacja wideo/video installation, 17,17 min./minutes. Dzieki uprzejmosci artysty i Fundacji Profile/courtesy of the artist and Profile Foundation, Warsaw. Cover design: Agnieszka Kanas & Sebastian Gryglewicz Printed by: Wöhrmann Print Service ISBN: 978-90-393-5550-3 © Agnieszka Kanas, 2011 All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrival system of any nature, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electrnically, mechanically, by photocopying, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission from the author. THE ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF IMMIGRANTS The Role of Human and Social Capital DE ECONOMISCHE POSITIE VAN IMMIGRANTEN De rol van menselijk en sociaal kapitaal (met een samenvatting in het Nederlands) Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit Utrecht op gezag van de rector magnificus, prof.dr. G.J. van der Zwaan, ingevolge het besluit van het college voor promoties in het openbaar te verdedigen op dinsdag 28 juni 2011 des middags te 2.30 uur door Agnieszka Małgorzata Kanas geboren op 3 februari 1980 te Trzcianka, Polen Promotoren: Prof. dr. F.A...
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...Submission date: America is informally termed as a "nation of immigrants" because of the widely open-door policy based on accepting foreigners chasing the vision of the so called American Dream. Legal and illegal immigration is a situation that not only exists in the U.S., but all over the world. Illegal immigration is defined as the relocation of individuals into a state in infringement of the immigration sovereignty and laws of a particular nation (Garni, 2010). Illegal immigration also involves entering a foreign country legally but refusing to depart after one’s visa expiry. It involves trespassing international political boundaries through land, air, and water unlawfully. Most illegal immigrants in the U.S. enter the country using two popular ways. First, through the U.S Mexico border and the other is by over staying their visas. A large percentage of illegal immigrants in the U.S are from Mexico, Canada, Africa and Europe. The impact of immigration is mostly felt in states where great numbers of immigrants have resided. Examples of these states include California and New Jersey. This has become a key concern to the U.S. government and its citizens. The genesis of illegal immigration dates back to the late 19th century. In 1875, a national law was approved which barred entry of prostitutes and convicts. In 1882 President Chester A. Arthur barred approximately all Chinese immigrants to the United States, and later thereafter disqualified criminals and paupers from entering...
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...1.2. TRENDS AND PATTERNS OF MIGRATION TO AND FROM CARIBBEAN COUNTRIES Elizabeth Thomas-Hope[1] INTRODUCTION Migration has become deeply embedded in the psyche of Caribbean peoples over the past century and a half. It has evolved as the main avenue for upward mobility through the accumulation of capital – financial and social. Thus the propensity for migration is high and there is a general responsiveness to the opportunities for moving whenever they occur. At times these opportunities have come from within the region itself or the wider circum-Caribbean region, as in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; in more recent times from North America and Europe. The migration dynamic reflects the interplay of international, national and highly personal circumstances. Global changes affect the international economic order and the division of labour and, as a consequence, legislative controls and inducements to the movement of labour across selective national borders. At the national level, economic, social, demographic and political factors influence the variable access of people to economic rewards and social opportunities. But migration is not a passive reaction to internal ‘pushes’ and external ‘pulls’. Within this wider international and national context, migration is part of a dynamic set of negotiations at all levels. For whether ‘free’ movement or refugee, there is a selective process that operates at the interface of the needs of...
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...In Living For The City: Migration, Education, and the Rise of the Black Panther Party in Oakland, California, Donna Jean Murch conducted an intensive study of factors influencing the formation of the Black Panther Party (BPP). Murch challenged the prevailing notion of the BPP as representative of the "northern" response to the Civil Rights Movement, and the common narrative that southern African Americans faced less oppression and racism after relocating to the north or west regions of the United States. The BPP arose amid a generation of Oakland's African Americans coming of age "between the lynching of Emmitt Till and the assassination of Malcolm X." influenced by southern African American culture in tandem with their reactions to "new" experiences with racism, deindustrialization, disillusionment, and educational opportunity. Even further understanding of the significance of the BPP's role in history rested in that the "most disenfranchised sectors of the African American community-the young, poor, and migrant-challenged the legitimacy of the authorities and the established black leadership."...
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...US has been a very attractive place for the immigrants ever since its early history. But these reasons have kept on changing from time to time. Initially the main reason for immigration during the early periods 1830-1890 was the fact that land remained plentiful, and fairly cheap. There were plenty of jobs available for everyone. The labor was rare in those days just as today which attracted huge inflows of immigrants from all around the world. Remember, remember always, that all of us... are descended from immigrants and revolutionists. [Franklin D. Roosevelt] Other factors that increased and reinforced this inflow were the decline in the birthrate as well as an increase in industry and urbanization in the United States. The United States, in the 19th Century, remained a strong magnet to immigrants, with offers of jobs and land for farms. Earlier immigrants considered that in America, the streets were, "paved with gold," and at the same time as well as offerings of religious and political freedom. A German immigrant to Missouri wrote home about: "[The] abundance of overbearing soldiers, haughty clergymen, and inquisitive tax collectors..." During the years 1890-1924 the reasons for the immigration had a change from the past trends. The kinds of immigrants also changed. Jews came for religious freedom, Italians and Asians came for work and Russians came to escape persecution from the powers in their home country. The reason that America had jobs was still prevalent in this...
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...The need for reform of the immigration system in the United States Introduction The lack of results from the Obama administration on the overall reform of the immigration system of the United States is due to the inability of the immigration system to regulate increasing legal admissions and growth of irregular immigration of a regional provenance. The political viability of the reform depends on the consent of the elected Republican opposition. This has contributes to organize structural blockage for reform for over fifteen years, evidencing the high degree of polarization of the immigration topic issue in American society. Given the circumstances, the likelihood of a reform in the next years is very uncertain. This paper aims to explain the lack of results from the Obama administration on the reform of the immigration system. It will analyze first, the main motivation for reform of the immigration system: it has become unable to properly regulate a rapidly growing immigration. It will then offer, a series of explanatory reasons for failure: the low priority given to the immigration issue, errors, but especially the structurally cleaving nature of the reform. Why is the reform of the immigration system a necessity? The Characteristics of the US Immigration System To understand the need for reform of the US immigration system, it is necessary to go back to first principles ensuring its operation. The United States regulates the admission of foreigners on their territory...
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...Abstract According to the Webster dictionary, migration is the movement of people from one country or locality to another. They are different types of migrations; some of which are Global migration, interregional migration and, intraregional migration. There is a significant diversity as it relates to the issues of migration in the United States. These issues vary from state to state. However International /global migration posed the most issues in this country. These issues have affected the United States for many years. James Rubenstein notes that “unrestricted immigration to the United States ended when congress passed the Quota Act in 1921 and the National Origins Act in 1924. However over the years different issues arose on this topic; some of which are job threatening, deportation, population overgrowth, devaluing of property, and increased crime rate. Legal as well as illegal immigrants encounter problems to some extent. The questions of who belongs? Who stays? And who goes? Are often widely debated topics by citizens of the United States? It has also been a focal topic in presidential debates. Others made reference to the DREAM Act by claiming that the political parties fail to address the heart of the immigration problem. Immigration has impacted the United States socially, economically, and politically. Like Global migration, interregional migration also creates issues, in the United States. Introduction The topic of immigration can be broken down into many different...
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...spread like a bush fire, and within no time, a huge number of people had already camped in the mining fields ready to mine the gold and get rich. Many people left their families, jobs and moved to the goldfields’ (Limerick, 1998). During that time American west state experienced a large number of immigrants, all coming to try their luck in the fields. Those who managed to get gold became richer while those who didn’t become poorer. The gold rush brought about huge environmental changes in the country’s landscape (Limerick, 1998). There were very deep holes that were dug in search of the gold. Trees were cut down to clear the fields and to take care of the huge demand for wood that was used to power the steam engines that ran the lifting cables. The rapid destruction of the forest triggered soil erosion in the fields. The miners were less concerned with the consequences of their acts to the environment, for them, America was a place to exploit gets your wealth and leave. There was a rapid population growth in American west; this was as a result of the many migrants who came to the gold mines (Limerick, 1998). This image is much importance in the development of American West. The gold rush brought about very many immigrants who contributed a lot to industrial transformation. Domestic market grew as a result of the gold mines. The miners reinvested the profits made back into the economy. Successful miners...
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