Premium Essay



Submitted By anupamn
Words 44812
Pages 180
Best Global Brands 2013

Table of Contents

Leadership is evolving. It must now be shared. CEOs, CMOs, and consumers all have the power to drive brand value. Brands are where business strategy meets reality.

The New Rules of Brand Leadership

From Information to Intelligence

Best Global Brands 2013

Sector Leadership



Creative Leadership


China’s New Brand Leaders


Corporate Citizenship 2.0



The New Rules of Brand Leadership By Jez Frampton

In our globalized, hyperconnected age, one question persists in boardrooms, corner offices, business schools, and conferences all over the world: What is leadership and how has it changed in the 21st century? Driven by rapid technological advancement, the digitization of nearly everything, and the ever more intricate interdependencies of the global market, the business landscape has transformed over the past two decades. Operating in a bewildering new environment in which little is certain, the pace is quicker and the dynamics more complex. Those who lead today’s brands can no longer rely on once immutable truths or principles of leadership honored in times past. It is a new world. And as purchasing increasingly shifts from a physical experience to a virtual one and transaction-based interactions between brands and consumers shift to relationship-based interactions, new skills and sensibilities are needed. Leadership roles are converging, traditional structures are crumbling, the consumer’s voice carries more weight than ever, and less tangible strengths like emotional intelligence and psychological insight are just as key to leading a brand today as the ability to generate high ROI and increased shareholder value.


Best Global Brands 2013

Today’s leaders

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