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Intercultural Communication Plan for a Multicultural Classroom


Submitted By DeSand1616
Words 1269
Pages 6
Assessment Plan
Dexter L. Sanders
EDU645: Learning & Assessment for the 21st Century
Prof. Philip Orlando
September 3, 2012

1. Solve 21 + x = 32 a) 12 b) 53 c) 11 d) 10

2. Solve 20.17 + x = 30.40 a) 11.30 b) 9.23 c) 20 d) 10.23 e)
3. Simplify (x + 2)(x + 3) a) x² + 6x + 3 b) 5x + 2 c) 5x + 5 d) x² + 5x + 6

4. Lisa and her two friends ate dinner at a restaurant and each ordered the same meal. If the total cost of the dinner was $57.78, write an equation that could be used to determine x, the cost per person. a) X= 2÷$57.78 b) X=4÷$57.78 c) X=3÷$57.78 d) X=1÷$57.78 e)
5. Solve (-(2)² - (4 + 7)). a) -7 b) -15 c) 7 d) 15

Assessment Plan This unit assessment is to see does students have an understanding of relationships between numerical, geometric, verbal, and symbolic form and arithmetic sequences in order to extend algebraic reasoning. Students will use words and symbols to describe the relationship between the terms in an arithmetic sequence and their positions in the sequence. After this assessment students should have the understanding of the relationships between numerical, geometric, verbal and arithmetic sequences in to extend algebraic reasoning.
Learning Outcomes a. Students will be able to identify appropriate formulas for solving algebraic problems (knowledge). b. Students will use equations to solve problems (application). c. Students will formulate problem situations when given a simple equation and formulate an equation when given a problem situation (synthesis).
Assessment Context Students will demonstrate different representations of data and generate formulas or expressions that represent the data. Students will be able to write a statement that represents the relationships of data

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