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Interpreting Learning Disability Case Study

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· Define meaningful learning opportunities from the perspective of student with a disability.

Students with disabilities would have more meaningful learning opportunities when working on communicating with their peers. The students want to socialize with their peers not with teachers. A great way to do this would to have a non-verbal student request something from a peer using their AAC device. You could add to the AAC device so the student could play games with their peers.

· What forms of AAC could be incorporated for a student that is non-verbal with severe intellectual disabilities and who is also learning English as a second language (ELL)?

AAC devices use visuals to represent words the student would like communicated (Bowden-Carpenter, Johnston, and Beard, 2014). A student, who is non-verbal with severe intellectual disabilities and qualifies as ELL, may benefit from using PECS. The student uses pictures to communicate his/her wants and needs. PECS is a system where the student communicates to another person by handing the person a picture can for what they are trying to say. …show more content…
What role does FAPE play when determining the appropriate ACC or AT device for a student?

FAPE plays helps the inclusion of AAC or AT devices for students. For many students, to be provided with the appropriate education they need a device to communicate

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