Premium Essay

It Pays, Airline


Submitted By Bertrand05
Words 3022
Pages 13
Running head: IT PAYS

It Pays to Fly Full-Service
Rene Gonzalez Jr.
Ashford University
Managerial Marketing BUS 620
Larry Flegle
November 28, 2011 It Pays to Fly Full-Service
In this essay I will create a nine-component marketing plan on flying full-service business class with Delta opposed to flying with a discounted low-fare carrier like Southwest. As the economy struggles and air travel becomes more competitive it is not easy to establish the best niche market strategy for an airline. Teplensky defined (as cited in Parrish, Cassill, & Oxenham, 2006) niche market strategy as, "an emphasis on a particular need, geographic, demographic, or product segment" (p. 695). Therefore, it would be ideal for Delta to seek a more specific niche in air travel and differentiate by precisely satisfying customers’ needs; rather than attempting to generalize broad niches that only partly satisfy customers’ needs as a whole.
Company Overview/ Description of Location
Delta Air Lines Inc. has their corporate headquarters in Atlanta Georgia. However, Delta Air Lines Inc. has a vast worldwide airline system. Delta serves over 160 million customers annually, and offers 356 destinations in 65 countries. Additionally, Delta has over 80 years of passenger service, more than 80,000 employees, and 700 aircraft that spread across six continents. Packed with an array of good services, Delta offers more than 13,000 daily flights, SkyMiles rewards (frequent flier plan), the world's largest airline loyalty partnership, over 50 Sky-Clubs, and an award-winning BusinessElite program (Delta Air Lines Inc., 2011).
Description of Product or Service
Focusing primarily on business amenities, Delta has a worldwide collection of services for businessmen and businesswomen. They have incentive SkyBonuses, extensive Corporate Travel Agreements, and their Universal Air

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