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Jazz Music History


Submitted By guzmandarnell
Words 334
Pages 2
Art Tatum- (1909-1956) Born in Toledo, Ohio. Tatum was the most extraordinary of all pianists and jazz musicians. He was blind; training as a youth, own radio show 1929-1930. His left hand control and right hand doubled time amazed all. 1933 virtuous recording “ Tiger Rag”. He traveled the United States appearing in nightclubs and sessions. He served as a inspiration to the young bebop musicians in New York in the early 1940s.

Charlie Christian- Guitar (1916-1942) Dallas, Texas grew up In OKC. * First guitar out cigar boxes * First work came from bands which he played bass * Began using amplification in 1937 * Developed a style by Django Reinhardt, Christian took his style and applied it to playing melodies on his amplified guitar. * 1939 John Hammond put him on with Benny Goodman he hired him cause he was so impressed * Moved to NY many nights at the Milton’s Playhouse exchanging ideas with the young bebop musicians. Some phrases were incorporated into standard bebop vocabulary. * Died March 1942 cause of developing tuberculosis.

Charlie Parker- Alto Saxophone (1920-1955) Kansas City, Missouri. * Sneaking out after mom went to night job to hear Jazz * Idol Lester Young * Had music training by band teacher, played in various bands 1935-1939. * Became Proficient in all twelve keys * Nickname Yard bird or bird * 1938 joined Jay McShann Band * Jazz was forever changed after the Parker/Gillespie 1945 recordings were released. * 1946 Parker and Gillespie traveled to LA nightclub to show their talent * Parker made recordings for Ross Russell’s Dial label. * Drug addiction then ended up in the Camarillo State Mental Hospital. * Concerts were called Jazz Philharmonic. * 1949 and 1950 made two Europe tours * Drugs took affect after his daughter died pree * Managed to change direction of modern jazz.

Dizzy Gillespie- Trumpet (1917-1993) Cheraw, South Carolina. * 1935 moved to Philadelphia and began to play with local bands * 1937 moved to New York and began to play with local bands. * Teddy Hill band in 1937 * Replaced his idol Roy Eldridge

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