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Jennette Riots: True Democracy In The United States

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“Are you sure you needed to do that at this moment?” Questioned Jennette, holding a file records on past event for the king. Margo dusts herself off with the last touch of makeup on her clear skin. “Logistically no,” Margo answers, as she stands up from the wooden table before her, “but our constituents hold up to a standard and one I shall follow.” She turns to face Jennett as she reaches for her black umbrella. “We were elected we don't have to-” Jennette pleads only to get cut off by Margo who raises her hand. “Appointed,” she remarks as she walks out the door in the pouring rain, “true democracy in this world is dead.”
Years had passed since the last successfully democracy; all that was left was the stories in textbook the government would allow. They stories went as a people dividing against each other instead of uniteding as one. Riots broke out and the past of now historical United States of America now stood as Venice Project owned by the Germanic Nation. …show more content…
Thankfully, due to good relations both economically and socially, she could take work between the two with no added cost.
‘I should probably tell her what were getting into with this.’ Margo through to herself as the past by on the street. “Jennette.” Margo asks looks towards Jennette.
“Yes?” Jennette asks her usual worrying tone.
“This next case of ours is something else.” Margo states as she reaches for some of the files Jennett had been holding on too.
“Yeah, well it is the King of Britain after all.” Jennette replies.
“I figured we’d gain the attention of departments across our district but we garderened the attention of a royal highness.” Margo exclaims looks towards the state department watchtower in the

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