Premium Essay

Jo; Ihig


Submitted By wangzhongjiejay
Words 28447
Pages 114

St r at egi c Under standi ng
A Qualitative Study on Similarities and Differences in Perceptions of Strategy

Bachelor Thesis within Business Administration Author: Florance Batamuriza Tobias Berg Tony Hatami Tutor: Jönköping Jens Hultman & Anna Jenkins June 2006

Strategic Understanding - A Qualitative Study On Similarities and Differences in Perceptions of Strategy
A Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration by Batamuriza, Berg & Hatami - JIBS 2006

Since the begging of the year of 2006 we have worked hard to complete this paper. It has been both fun and challenging. We would not have reached this far without the help of our tutors, Jens Hultman and Anna Jenkins, therefore we want to give them a special thanks for helping and guiding us through this struggle. At the same time we would also like to thank the other groups for their constructive criticism and ideas for improvements. In connection to this, another thanks to our anonymous proofreaders without whom this thesis would not look anything like it does. We also want to give big thanks to the company that offered their time, effort and their thoughts during the interviews; without it this paper would have been impossible to complete and for this we will be ever grateful. Last but certainly not least, we would like to thank our families and friends that put up with our never ending discussions about the paper, and for your ever lasting love. Thank you all, because without your patience this would not have been possible.

Florance Batamuriza

Tobias Berg

Tony Hatami


Strategic Understanding - A Qualitative Study On Similarities and Differences in Perceptions of Strategy
A Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration by Batamuriza, Berg & Hatami - JIBS 2006

Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration

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