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José Limón

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“I believe that we are never more truly and profoundly human than when we dance”, is a quote stated by José Limón. José´ Limón is a modern dance artist whom reflects much of his work on his Mexican-American heritage. In addition to this reflection of his heritage, his technique is extremely strong, masculine, and elegant. He trained under Doris Humphrey and Charles Weidman with their combined company for ten years. Unfortunately, Limón departed from the company to begin choreographing indepently and formed his own “Little Group”. Soon after his own organization, Limón studied at the Bennington School of Dance Fellowship in 1937 along with being a member of Martha Graham’s Company. Not only did he take part in being a member of the listed companies, …show more content…
They run, skip, hop, leap; they dance to school, or into the dining room, or up the stairs to bed.” Following this quote being stated, I said, “People move through space their own way”. Specifically, I was referring to people, in general, move in different ways. For instance, my peer can move through her body in ways that I cannot. I struggle on a daily basis with transitioning into phrases because I do not allow the access of flow to communicate with my movement. With this being said, my peer may abide the ability to access smooth transitions, while I cannot. Every human being has the ability to manipulate the way their body moves. There was a specific section in José Limón’s essay discussing the different ways a person can move their head, elbow, chest, and ribs. “The head can be made to hang forward on the chest, or fall backwards as far as the cord of the neck will permit. It can rest sidewise on either shoulder” (page 101). Everyone including dancers have a variety of options to how they use the head. Wether the movement is executed large or small, every human being has access to how they let one limb or part of the body lead another part through

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