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Journal of Holistic Nursing


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Journal of Holistic Nursing

Journal of Holistic Nursing
Florence Nightingale in Absentia: Nursing and the 1893 Columbian Exposition
Barbara Appleton
NRS-433V Introduction to Nursing Research 14-Nov-2011
November 21, 2011
During the 1893 Colombian Exposition, nursing leaders worldwide were provided a podium to work together to organize and establish the globalization of nursing education and standardize the nursing curriculum to improve patient care worldwide. In collaboration and discussion on the evidence based practices of Florence Nightingale and on the current nursing developments and improvements of social, cultural, educational and scientific advancements in healthcare for the expansion of a more unified practice of the nursing profession nationally and internationally based on a theoretical path of deductive reasoning, a quantitative approach. American and European nursing leaders: Isabel Hampton (Robb), Lavinia Dock, Eva Lückes, and Ethel Bedford Fenwick (Crane 2010), were given the opportunity to influence and provide guidance to sanction the evolution of nursing education processes for the development toward the progression of second generation of nursing. As a result of this event, the nursing profession has become one of the most respected professions devoted to health promotion for the benefit of mankind. This paper will explore the development of how clinical expertise developed, and by what methodologies influence the development nursing education, clinical guidelines, and best practices for patient care and evidence-based nursing practice in the campaign of the nursing profession. The method and research design utilized in this journal article is data analysis. An analysis was conducted on the 31 collected papers of the report of the International Congress of Charities and Philanthropy, using traditional historical

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