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Submitted By keke123qwe
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Pages 22
Consumer Behaviour
Department of Marketing and Management Faculty of Business and Economics

Unit Guide
S2 Day Session 2, North Ryde, Day 2013

Table of Content Table of Content General Information
Convenor and teaching staff Credit Points Prerequisites Corequisites Co-badged status Unit Description

2 3
3 3 3 3 3 3

List of changes since first version was published Learning Outcomes Assessment Tasks
Class Test Assessed Coursework Group Projects (3) Final Examination

4 5 6
6 6 6 8

Unit Schedule Delivery and Resources
Classes Prizes Required and Recommended Texts and/or Materials Technology Used and Required Teaching and Learning Strategy

9 11
11 11 11 11 12

Policies and Procedures
Academic Honesty Grades Grading Appeals and Final Examination Script Viewing Special Consideration Policy Student Support
UniWISE provides:

13 13 13 13 14

Student Enquiry Service Equity Support IT Help

14 14 14

Graduate Capabilities
Problem Solving and Research Capability
Learning Outcome Assessment Task

15 15

Engaged and Ethical Local and Global citizens
Learning Outcome Assessment Task

15 15

Discipline Specific Knowledge and Skills
Learning Outcome Assessment Task

16 16

Critical, Analytical and Integrative Thinking
Learning Outcome Assessment Task

16 16

Research and Practice Policy on Group Projects
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17 18

General Information
Convenor and teaching staff
Unit Convenor: Jan Zwar Email: Phone: 61 2 9850 8491 Office: E4A 420 Consultation Hours: 4-6 pm Tuesday, or by appointment. You can email me to arrange an appointment. Lecturer: Monica Ren Email: Office: 02- 9850 8504 Tutor: Stephen Erichsen Email: Phone: 0412 246 099 Consultation Hours: Consultation is on an ad hoc basis for minor issues at the end of lectures or tutorials, however for major issues please email or telephone Steve on 0412 246 099 to arrange a mutually convenient time. Tutor: Laknath Jayasinghe Email: Phone: 02 9850 8562 Office: Room 531, Building E4A Consultation Hours: Thursday 3-5pm or by appointment Tutor: Charindra Keerthipala Email: Tutor: Jie Meng Email: Tutor: Ziggy Sieradzki Email: Tutor: Terrie Yap Email:

Credit Points



Co-badged status

Unit Description
This unit examines the external and internal factors that influence people's behaviour in a purchase situation. The unit provides a conceptual understanding of consumer behaviour, integrating theories from psychology, sociology, cultural anthropology and economics. The discipline-specific knowledge students should gain from this unit is to understand how and why consumers, including those from South-East Asia, make decisions to purchase, use and eventually dispose of products and services. This should also in result in a better understanding of consumerism issues in both for-profit and non-profit sectors.

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List of changes since first version was published
Date 05/06/13 Change The Description was updated.

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Learning Outcomes
1. Discuss the rationale for studying consumer behaviour. 2. Identify and explain factors which influence consumer behaviour. 3. Demonstrate how knowledge of consumer behaviour can be applied to marketing. 4. Attain relevant generic capabilities.

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Assessment Tasks
Task Weight Due Date Linked Learning Outcomes 1, 2 1, 2 Linked Graduate Capabilities 1 1 Brief Description

Class Test Assessed Coursework Group Projects (3) Final Examination

15% 15%

Week 7 Every tutorial

Class Test Assessed coursework Group Projects (3) Final Examination


Week 5, 9, 12

2, 3, 4

1, 2, 3, 6


University Examination Period

1, 2, 3, 4


Class Test
Due Date: Week 7 Weight: 15%
Subm ission

The aim of this assessment is to give you feedback on your level of understanding of consumer behaviour principles. There will be one multiple-choice question test consisting of 80 questions and will be 90 minutes long. The class test is worth 15% and will examine material covered up to and including the date of the test. Unlike group reports this work is done individually.

There will be no deferrals for these tests. Students who cannot attend this class test will have a higher weighting on their exam. For example, a student who cannot attend the class test would have an exam worth an extra 15% of their grade. Please bear in mind that a doctor's certificate is required for students unable to attend the in-class test

Assessed Coursework
Due Date: Every tutorial Weight: 15%
Subm ission

At the beginning of each class, students are to submit no more than two pages of typed answers to the tutorial questions. These will be marked and returned the following week. The goal of assessed coursework is to reward preparation and to have students more informed in tutorials. Assessed coursework will be marked from 0 (no report), 2.5 (attempted but still needs help) to 5 (attempted successfully most exercises) to a maximum of 15%. This work will be collected in the tutorial on a random basis, three (3) times during the semester. You should expect your work to be collected every tutorial.

No extensions will be granted. Students who have not submitted the task prior to the deadline will be awarded a mark of 0 for the task, except for cases in which an application for special consideration is made and approved.

Group Projects (3)
Due Date: Week 5, 9, 12 Weight: 30%
Subm ission

This assessment seeks to ascertain students’ abilities to work in collaboration and apply the consumer principles learnt in the course to different cultural settings. Students will arrange themselves into groups of five by completing the online Group signup tool on Moodle. You are unable to submit an assignment online until this is done. You need also submit a group contract (see Policy on Group Projects) before you start your group project. At the end of semester

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you are also required to complete an individual evaluation of your contribution versus that of other group members. This is a confidential online survey accessed using the Assessment tool. Students who do not complete a group contract at the beginning and an individual evaluation have no recourse (cause of complaint) for their final group project mark. Responsibility for the management of groups is the students own. These groups must be within the same tutorial. Each group will submit three assignments. Each assignment covers the application of consumer behaviour theories in different countries in the South East Asian region. (See the 'one stop' tips document on iLearn for further information about these reports.) At least one real world example of each the consumer behaviour theory and concept discussed in the relevant chapters of both texts should be included in your report. The example could be print, scanned images, a link to You-tube video. A minimum of five academic journals should be cited and correctly referenced. These group reports are submitted online to Moodle after the Wiki has been compiled. Students are required to check for plagiarism using the Turnitin tool also available from i-learn. In the end, the assignment that is submitted online for grading is also assessed for plagiarism, using Turnitin and a variety of other online tools. Any group with a similarity rating of 30% and above will automatically receive a grade of zero. The use of previous student papers will receive a grade -1, for each reference to a student paper found via Turnitin. Group Report 1: China, Chapters 1-4 of Schiffman. Compare and contrast as to how two (2) aspects or theories of consumer behaviour as discussed in Schiffman applies to this country and how it differs from that in Australia. Show how this may provide a marketing opportunity for an Australian exporter. This is due at the end of week 5, 30th August at 11.59 p.m. Group Report 2: South Korea, Chapters 5-9 of Schiffman. Compare and contrast as to how two (2) aspects or theories of consumer behaviour as discussed in Schiffman applies to this country and how it differs from that in Australia. Show how this may provide a marketing opportunity for a Australian exporter. This is due at the end of week 9, 11 of October at 11.59 p.m. Group Report 3: Malaysia, Chapters 10-13 of Schiffman. Compare and contrast as to how two (2) aspects or theories of consumer behaviour as discussed in Schiffman applies to this country and how it differs from that in Australia. Show how this may provide a marketing opportunity for an Australian exporter. This is due at the end of week 12, 1st of November at 11.59 p.m. A marking template for the assignments is available from Moodle. Your analysis must be substantiated by the use of relevant illustrative examples that show the application of relevant consumer behaviour theories. Write no more than five pages on each assignment (not including references and examples). As this is a group assessment, procedures as attached to the end of the course outline must be followed by all students. All referencing must be the Harvard style see One member of the group submits the assignment on behalf of the group. The assignments will be assessed online by your tutor and marked with an online grade form, which is similar to the marking template in this unit outline. Students can access their grades and feedback from Moodle. All individual grades for group reports will be moderated by peer evaluation and/or the judgement of the tutor/lecturer. We use an overall peer assessment survey at the end of semester. The lecturer has the final say in the adjustment of group-work marks taking into account peer assessment ratings. You may be removed from the group, if in the opinion of others and on the decision of the lecturer you are not contributing. This may be based on peer evaluation. Students in this situation will submit all group work on an individual basis. There is to be no-free riding in this course In disputes over contributions to group work, you have 24 hours to provide physical evidence of your contribution to the unit coordinator. If you cannot do so the decision to moderate your group mark and or remove you from the group stands. All assignments are to be submitted online no later than 11.59 p.m. Friday on the week of semester they are due.


There will be a deduction of 20% of the total marks for each 24 hour period or part thereof that the submission is late (for example, 25 hours late in submission - 40% penalty). This does not apply for cases in which an application for special consideration is approved.

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Penalties Any group with a similarity rating of 30% and above will automatically receive a grade of zero.The use of previous student papers will receive a grade 1, for each reference to a student paper found via Turnitin.

Final Examination
Due Date: University Examination Period Weight: 40%
Exam ination conditions

A Final Examination is included as an assessment task for this unit to provide assurance that: i) ii) the product belongs to the student and the student has attained the knowledge and skills tested in the exam.

The Final Examination will cover materials from the entire course over a two-hour period.
The Final Examination is a test of your understanding of the important principals of consumer behaviour. The examination will be of two hours duration and may comprise multiple choice and/or short essay questions. The exam will be based upon material covered in lectures, tutorials, readings and the textbooks You are expected to present yourself for examination at the time and place designated in the University Examination Timetable. The timetable will be available in Draft form approximately eight weeks before the commencement of the examinations and in Final form approximately four weeks before the commencement of the examinations. The only exception to not sitting an examination at the designated time is because of documented illness or unavoidable disruption. In these circumstances you may wish to consider applying for Special Consideration. The University’s policy on special consideration process is available at If a Supplementary Examination is granted as a result of the Special Consideration process the examination will be scheduled after the conclusion of the official examination period. (Individual Faculties may wish to signal when the Faculties’ Supplementary Exams are normally scheduled.) The Macquarie university examination policy details the principles and conduct of examinations at the University. The policy is available at:
What is required to com plete the unit satisfactorily

Students must demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the course and interpretive and analytical ability in multiple choice and/or written sections. Note:You are required to attend at least 10 out of the 12 tutorials. Failure to do so without an adequate reason (illness or special consideration) will result in a grade of FA 0 .

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Unit Schedule
Week Chapters Lecture Topics Tutorials (see weekly homework questions on iLearn to prepare and bring to class) No tutorial in week 1



Introduction What is Consumer Behaviour?



Understanding Consumers and Market Segments Consumer needs and motivations

Briefing on assessment Formation of groups


3 and 4

Consumer personality and the self concept Consumer perception

Tutorial exercises



Learning and consumer involvement

Tutorial exercises



The nature of consumer attitudes

Tutorial exercises Group Assignment #1due on Turnitin this week.



Social influences on buyer behaviour

Tutorial exercises


Class test in the lecture period. No lecture 8 and 9 The Family Social Class

No homework due this week.


Tutorial exercises



The influence of culture on consumer behaviour Cross cultural consumer behaviour: An international perspective

Tutorial exercises Group Assignment #2 due on Turnitin this week.



Sub cultural aspects of consumer behaviour Decision making Consumer influence and the diffusion of innovations

Tutorial exercises

11. 12.

12 13

Tutorial exercises Tutorial exercises Group Assignment #3 due on Turnitin

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this week. 13. Review of chapters 1-13 Exam Revision Tutorial exercises Exam revision

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Delivery and Resources
The classes for this subject entail three hours of face-to-face teaching: A two hour lecture. A one-hour (1 hr.) tutorial (from the week commencing second week of semester). Participants are required to attend the sessions in which they are registered. Attempts to register in a different tutorial can be made online where space allows. Where attempts to register online fail, a written request to the course coordinator may be considered. The timetable for classes can be found on the University web site at:

Prizes for this unit

Required and Recommended Texts and/or Materials
Prescribed Text Schiffman, Leon, D’Alessandro, Steven, O’Cass, Aron, Bednall, David, Paladino, Angela and Kanuk, Leslie (2011) Consumer Behaviour, 5th Edition, Pearson Education Australia (Joint Lead author) ISBN-13: 9781442520103. Recommended: Pecotich and C. Shultz (2005) Handbook of Markets and Economies: East and Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand (M.E Sharpe, USA, ISBN: 0-7656-0972-X. Recommended Reading Psychology & Marketing Journal of Product & Brand Management Australasian Marketing Journal Journal of Economic Psychology Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services Journal of Advertising Journal of Retailing Journal of Consumer Culture Journal of Consumer Behaviour European Journal of Marketing International Journal of Research in Marketing Journal of Consumer Marketing Journal of Business Research Journal of Consumer Research Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Journal of Marketing Journal of Advertising Research

Technology Used and Required
The unit web page is a vital resource in this unit. iLearn, or Moodle resources include: lecture notes, practice quizzes, online sign-ups for groups, links, course materials and assignment research information. All Group Reports are submitted online. Students should have access to the internet at home and/or the university. Access to Moodle is only available for students who have successfully enrolled in this unit. Unit Web Page Course material is available on the learning management system (iLearn)

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The web page for this unit can be found at:

Teaching and Learning Strategy
Teaching is delivered in weekly lectures and tutorials. Learning activities include individual and group tasks that are to be completed during private study and in tutorials. Participants are expected to read in advance of lectures, participate in tutorials and complete all set tasks.
It is to your benefit to attend all lectures and tutorials. The unit coordinator is happy to discuss issues with you and to clarify points made in class as long as you make the effort to understand the point first by attending lectures and reading the prescribed readings. Please do not ask the coordinator to assist you in understanding a point if you have not attended the lecture or read the materials. This course forms part of your professional education. We feel that it is important that you experience the interactions with ideas, your peers and your tutor that are provided through the workshops. Indeed, it seems to us that it is not possible to engage adequately with this unit, and to fulfil its objectives, without completing the tutorial activities. While most students willingly accept this participation as a part of their professional responsibility some, for various reasons, do not participate fully. Therefore, we have found it necessary to make satisfactory lecture and workshop attendance an expected and measured component of the unit. Attendance at lectures is strongly recommended. If you are unable to attend a lecture or series of lectures for any reason, it is strongly suggested that you discuss this with the lecturer or unit coordinator to ensure that you have not been disadvantaged. For example, it may be suggested that you obtain a medical certificate as evidence that you experienced health problems during semester. Of course, all the material covered in the lectures and tutorials is assessable in the Group Reports and Class test exam. Attendance at all 12 tutorials is mandated. An attendance record for all students will be maintained and your preparation and participation in these classes will be assessed. Note: You are required to attend at least 10 out of the 13 tutorials. Failure to do so without an adequate reason (illness or special consideration) will result in a grade of FA 0. MKTG203 Unit Guide last updated on 22 July 2013. There have been no changes since the previous offering of Session 1, 2013.

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Policies and Procedures
Macquarie University policies and procedures are accessible from Policy Central. Students should be aware of the following policies in particular with regard to Learning and Teaching: Academic Honesty Policy Assessment Policy Grade Appeal Policy Grievance Management Policy Special Consideration Policy In addition, a number of other policies can be found in the Learning and Teaching Category of Policy Central.

Academic Honesty
The nature of scholarly endeavour, dependent as it is on the work of others, binds all members of the University community to abide by the principles of academic honesty. Its fundamental principle is that all staff and students act with integrity in the creation, development, application and use of ideas and information. This means that: all academic work claimed as original is the work of the author making the claim all academic collaborations are acknowledged academic work is not falsified in any way when the ideas of others are used, these ideas are acknowledged appropriately. Further information on the academic honesty can be found in the Macquarie University Academic Honesty Policy at

Macquarie University uses the following grades in coursework units of study: HD - High Distinction D - Distinction CR - Credit P - Pass F - Fail Grade descriptors and other information concerning grading are contained in the Macquarie University Grading Policy which is available at:

Grading Appeals and Final Examination Script Viewing
If, at the conclusion of the unit, you have performed below expectations, and are considering lodging an appeal of grade and/or viewing your final exam script please refer to the following website which provides information about these processes and the cut off dates in the first instance. Please read the instructions provided concerning what constitutes a valid grounds for appeal before appealing your grade.

Special Consideration Policy
The University is committed to equity and fairness in all aspects of its learning and teaching. In stating this commitment, the University recognises that there may be circumstances where a student is prevented by unavoidable disruption from performing in accordance with their ability. A special consideration policy exists to support students who experience serious and unavoidable disruption such that they do not reach their usual demonstrated performance level. The policy is available at:

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Student Support
Macquarie University provides a range of Academic Student Support Services. Details of these services can be accessed at:

UniWISE provides:
Online learning resources and academic skills workshops Personal assistance with your learning & study related questions. The Learning Help Desk is located in the Library foyer (level 2). Online and on-campus orientation events run by Mentors@Macquarie.

Student Enquiry Service
Details of these services can be accessed at

Equity Support
Students with a disability are encouraged to contact the Disability Support Unit who can provide appropriate help with any issues that arise during their studies.

IT Help
If you wish to receive IT help, we would be glad to assist you at When using the university's IT, you must adhere to the Acceptable Use Policy. The policy applies to all who connect to the MQ network including students and it outlines what can be done.

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Graduate Capabilities
Problem Solving and Research Capability
Our graduates should be capable of researching; of analysing, and interpreting and assessing data and information in various forms; of drawing connections across fields of knowledge; and they should be able to relate their knowledge to complex situations at work or in the world, in order to diagnose and solve problems. We want them to have the confidence to take the initiative in doing so, within an awareness of their own limitations. This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning Outcome
1. Discuss the rationale for studying consumer behaviour. 2. Identify and explain factors which influence consumer behaviour. 3. Demonstrate how knowledge of consumer behaviour can be applied to marketing. 4. Attain relevant generic capabilities.

Assessment Task
1. Group Projects (3)

Engaged and Ethical Local and Global citizens
As local citizens our graduates will be aware of indigenous perspectives and of the nation's historical context. They will be engaged with the challenges of contemporary society and with knowledge and ideas. We want our graduates to have respect for diversity, to be open-minded, sensitive to others and inclusive, and to be open to other cultures and perspectives: they should have a level of cultural literacy. Our graduates should be aware of disadvantage and social justice, and be willing to participate to help create a wiser and better society. This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning Outcome
1. Attain relevant generic capabilities.

Assessment Task
1. Group Projects (3)

Discipline Specific Knowledge and Skills
Our graduates will take with them the intellectual development, depth and breadth of knowledge, scholarly understanding, and specific subject content in their chosen fields to make them competent and confident in their subject or profession. They will be able to demonstrate, where relevant, professional technical competence and meet professional standards. They will be able to articulate the structure of knowledge of their discipline, be able to adapt discipline-specific knowledge to novel situations, and be able to contribute from their discipline to inter-disciplinary solutions to problems. This graduate capability is supported by:

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Learning Outcome
1. Discuss the rationale for studying consumer behaviour. 2. Identify and explain factors which influence consumer behaviour.

Assessment Task
1. Class Test 2. Assessed coursework 3. Group Projects (3) 4. Final Examination

Critical, Analytical and Integrative Thinking
We want our graduates to be capable of reasoning, questioning and analysing, and to integrate and synthesise learning and knowledge from a range of sources and environments; to be able to critique constraints, assumptions and limitations; to be able to think independently and systemically in relation to scholarly activity, in the workplace, and in the world. We want them to have a level of scientific and information technology literacy. This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning Outcome
1. Attain relevant generic capabilities.

Assessment Task
1. Group Projects (3)

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Research and Practice
This unit gives you practice in applying research findings in your Group Reports. This unit gives you opportunities to conduct your own secondary research

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Policy on Group Projects
Unit Policy on Group Reports
· · Group Reports are an important means of students learning teamwork and help foster collaborative learning. Skills learnt in Group Reports are considered invaluable by employers as most tasks assigned it the workplaces are

done by groups not individuals. Students in groups, however, should learn to manage themselves and resolve conflict that may occur with Group Reports. In particular students should · · · · All sign the group charter and give a copy of it to their tutor. Notify your tutor of any conflict or unresolvable problems with the group. Compete the peer assessment form and include with the group project. In the event that student received a poor student assessment on group project, that student has 24 hours from the

time of being notified by course coordinator to produce evidence of their efforts in the project. If they fail to do no, the student’s grade as amended by their group peers will stand. · If a group is unable to resolve any differences then the course coordinator may split the group or reallocate its

members. GROUP CHARTER (This is to be submitted online using the Assignment tool before the first group presentation). It is a normal business practice to get all agreements that are designed to be binding on the parties involved, put into writing. It is suggested that you decide what problems you wish to see overcome and provide some solutions as to how it could be done. It is further suggested that you now take the time to establish the acceptable group norms and behaviours that you will enforce by exclusion from the group, for any and all individuals who do not conform. Below is a ‘group contract’ that will bind you all to what YOU ALL decide, till the group is dissolved when the final seminar is concluded. You need to hand a copy of this charter to your tutor by the end of week 3 of the course. GROUP CONTRACT It is agreed that the members of this group will: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 It is freely signed to by the parties who have signed below, that all group members listed as signatories, are bound by their signatures to carry out all duties and obligations and in return, they bind all other to give the same assurance. Grade desired I Ph

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Ph Ph Ph

have read and signed this understanding that the ultimate sanction of dismissal from the group will require me to do all the assignments in the outline on my own to the same standard as a group of 4 would. GROUP CHARTER This is a chapter that you, both as individuals and as groups, have with regard to the behaviour and conduct of the group and the members that comprise it. Many of you may have reservations about working with groups, you may feel it is culturally inappropriate to work with someone of another culture. While all these may be valid reasons to you, they do not necessarily find credence among others. As the world into which you are going to work, will demand closer working relationships, across cultures, genders and all manner of diversity, it is advisable you learn to learn from the opportunities that arise from group work. Be they good, or bad. What are your rights? Well, for each right you have, comes a corresponding obligation. Each group member has a right to expect a certain standard of performance from each group member and each member a certain level of performance from the rest of the group. Consider what is listed below:

RIGHTS THE GROUP Has the right to expect members to be on time. Has the right to expect high quality work. Has the right to have all members in attendance at all group meetings. Has the right to expect full input and participation from each group member. Has the right to dismiss a group member who chooses not to perform. Has the right to debate another’s point of view, but without criticising the individual. Has the right to expect the full and strenuous support of all members, at all times. Has the right to allow other group members to hold different opinions.

OBLIGATIONS THE MEMBER You have the obligation to be on time.

You have the obligation to provide work of high quality. You have the obligation to inform the group, in ADVANCE, if you cannot attend. You have the obligation to speak up FREQUENTLY, to add your own contribution. You have the obligation to support your group’s decision even if it means a friend is involved. You have the obligation to critically analyse the statements of others, but without being critical of the person. You have the obligation to deliver that support, at all times.

You have the obligation to act as a ‘devil’s advocate’ when you feel the situation requires you to do so.

Evaluation of Group Performance (This is done as an online survey accessed via Moodle at the end of the semester)

Name ______________________________

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On the following scale 1 = poor contribution, 3 = acceptable level of contribution and 5 = excellent contribution. Self Assessment I contributed to the group performance by: How would you rate your contribution 1 2 3 4 5

Other Group members
1. ____________________ contributed to the group’s performance by: 2 3 4 5

How would you rate this members contribution1 2.

____________________ contributed to the group’s performance by: 2 3 4 5

How would you rate this members contribution1 3.

____________________ contributed to the group’s performance by: 2 3 4 5

How would you rate this members contribution1 4.

____________________ contributed to the group’s performance by: 2 3 4 5

How would you rate this members contribution1 ---------------How would you rate this member’s contribution. ------------ --------What do you think were the group’s strengths?






What skills and issues do you think it would be helpful for you to work on next time you work in a group? Peer Assessment Form Confidential Please indicate what you feel was the relative contribution that you and your team mates made to the group project this semester. Give a rating score to each group member so that the scores add up to 100 points.

Name Yourself Member #2 Member #3 Member #4 Total


100 points

Any special comments or issues you wish us to take into account? Please fold this form and give to Your Tutor. Tutorial Time: Day: Tutor:

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...Introduction This paper explores three philosophical issues. The concepts examined are personal identity, virtue ethics, and ethical relativism. A personal philosophy in relation to each concept is identified and described. In conclusion, philosophical findings are incorporated into a personal view on the ultimate meaning of life. Philosophical Issues Personal Identity Personal identity of the most basic nature is “what makes one the person one is” (Olson, 2010). This basic nature then leads to the complexities of personal identity. Complexities include questions such as: * Who am I? * What is it to be a person? * What does it take for a person to persist from one time to another – that is, for the same person to exist at different times?  * How do we find out who is who?  * What am I? * How could I have been?  * How different could I have been from the way I actually am? (2010) These questions are crucial to discovering self-purpose of life. Hume’s philosophy is that personal identity is “nothing but a bundle or collection of different perceptions” and “too inconstant” (n.d.). Several philosophers disagree, arguing that “when the soul and the body are united, then nature orders the soul to rule and govern, and the body to obey and serve” (Chaffee, 2011, p. 91). There are many theories of philosophy pertaining to personal identity and social identity. In most cases, the compulsion to rationalize identity by understanding and knowing who...

Words: 2142 - Pages: 9

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First Time Student

...Hello class my name is Kanegra Jones but I prefer to be called KeKe. I am the mother of 5 children I have 4 daughters and 1 son. I was inspired to go back to school by my 11 year old daughter because she is very smart and she asked me why don't I give school another try so that was what I did. My children ages are 14, 12, 10, 8, and 5. My son is the baby of the bunch. I live currently in Powder Springs GA. I have only been here for about 5 months and I am still learning this city. I moved here from Memphis TN which I lived there from age 14 up until about 5 months ago. I was born in Mississippi I am currently working part time as a school bus driver which I have been doing for about the last 12 years. I have been doing this so long because i am very convenient for me being that I am a single mother and I have no family here. It was the same in TN I had no family so driving buses was very convenient and helpful because when school was out I was off and when the summer came I didn't have to work so it was very helpful to me I am a very quiet person I like to keep to myself and I do not bother anyone. I don't smoke I do not drink and do not go out. So I basically live a simple life and I try to keep it that way. I am here at the UPOX taking up Psychology because I would like to help and understand why people have some of the problem and learn ways to help them help themselves function better without always giving them medicine to control their symptoms....

Words: 310 - Pages: 2

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First Look Trailer

...5.The setting is in a hospital which Dean Munsch (Jamie Lee Curtis) purchased. 6.Veteran actress Kirstie Alley is on the show as the hospital administrator. 7.What kind of hospital does Munsch have if there are only 2 doctors and 3 nurses? 8.Keke Palmer is also returning as Zayday Williams as a medical student assisting Munsch. 9.As well as Niecy Nash who plays Denise Hemphill. Is she going to be the hospital guard this time? 10.Of course, Glen Powell a.k.a Chad Radwell returns with his goat? 11.The hospital setting is actually a haunted one. Which is why Munsch purchased it in the first place. It’s a cheap buy. But so cheap that gets an extra ghost or a psycho-killer in the wards. 12.Scream Queens season 2 is set three years into the future. Which means the Red Devil killer is gone and over with. - Or is...

Words: 385 - Pages: 2

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...VARIO MONETŲ RINKĖJAS Mėnulio delnas nusileido ant krantinės į upės vandenį nukrito moneta ties sankryža ant draudžiančios grandinės pavargus supos begalinė visata kas ten vaikščioja tilto turėklais kas ten vaikščioja tilto turėklais iš baimės net nesurėkdamas nakties automobilis žeria staiga į akis žėrinčius vario gramus per juodus rudenio lapus nakties šaligatvius klampius nevykėlis klajoklis grįžta į savo sujauktus namus ant apmusijusios klijuotės lipnios stiklinės antspauduotos tabako ir pyrago trupiniai ir nuorūkų geltoni šoviniai surūdijusion kriauklėn monotoniškai teška inkvizicijos amžiaus lašai o iš seno radijo taško gieda vis nauji pranašai neviltis išsipildo neviltis išsipildo neviltis išsipildo Kiaulių gatvėj prie žaliojo tilto kaip tas mėnuo suspaustas delnuos mano žodis išlėks iš burnos ir palaidos mane ir palaidos mane mėnesienos monetą tos upės dugne   Jonynas, A. Antanas. Laiko inkliuzai: Eilėraščiai. – Vilnius: LRS leidykla, 2002. PAPRASTOS DAINOS Kai aš prisimenu anas dienas, Rašau be galo paprastas dainas:   Apie auksinį tėvo gryčios stogą Ir apie derlių, gerą arba blogą.   Ten kaip žiedai margavo aviliai, Lietus į žemę sunkėsi giliai.   O žmonės gimė, sėjo, pjovė, mirė, Juos kirto laikas, o jie kirto girią.   Bet jie žaliavo, kaip ir ta giria, Ir jie dainas dainavo vakare,   Pareidami iš lauko į namus, Ir švietė jiems saulėlydis ramus, Ir suko girnas jiems galingas...

Words: 606 - Pages: 3

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A Dream House

...Keke Weathers Dr.Sarthou Composition II November 6, 2015 Emotions, Emotions, Emotions When you w3ake up in the morning, what are some of the things you do before heading out of the door? Most people look at the weather before they leave home .The weather sets the mood for the day. It determines what a person is going to wear and even a person’s attitude for the day. For example, if it is fall time and rainy out, a person might wear rain boots and a sweater. Now think of the colors of fall; orange, brown, yellow and red, and the colors of the leaves. The color brown can make one feel cozy, snug, and safe. Orange is associated with stimulation, warmth, and happiness. Thanksgiving is during the fall season and it is a time to stuff your face, to be surrounded by family, and to be thankful. And these colors help to set the vibe. Everyone is cheerful , full of laughter, and hungry. These feelings are asscosiated with the color yellow. Red symbolizes love and life and is mainly what people are thankful for on thanksgiving. Now back to the wet and slippery situation. When it is dark and stormy outside people tend to feel drowsy, sleepy, or even sad. Spring time gets the most rain typically in the western hemisphere. Spring time is one of the most crucial seasons for suicide. In the U.S. at least 30,000 people commit suicide each year. The suicide rates worldwide outweigh deaths involving accidents and homocides combined. IT is a popular belief that suicided rates peak during the...

Words: 997 - Pages: 4

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Personal Narrative

...we saw that we had finally arrived. Smiling from ear to ear, in awe of the humongous sign with an elephant on it read, “KALAHARI.” We pulled to the front and started to unload the cars. My mother and my aunt got a room together so of course the fun was just start to begin. We all got changed and met back up in the lobby. All of the older girls, which were my 5 cousins and I, were allowed to go off on our own. Jumping for joy, we ran all over talking about what we wanted to do first. Cashe has always been bossy so her being the controlling one said, “we’re getting on the cheetah race.” Tetee was sassy and didn’t agree with anyone, so she rolled her eyes and responded, “I don’t want to get on that, you always want everything to go your way.” Keke, who was the oldest, suggested that we get something to eat and decide what we wanted to do after. Everyone loves food, so of course, we agreed. There was this place in the center of the water park call the Zulu Grill. They had all kinds of food but Cashe and I chose a huge container of fully loaded nachos with everything. Ground beef, bacon, jalapenos, tomatoes, black olives, banana peppers, chili, extra cheese, and sour cream. We were in heaven and devoured them all. After everyone was finished we decided to get on the roller coaster. As we are walking to the ride I felt this quirky feeling in my stomach. I stopped and told them to come to the restroom with me. They all talked me into holding it since we were almost there. We all had partners...

Words: 962 - Pages: 4

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Mr. Usman from Nigeria

...International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 5, No. 2; February 2015 Assessment of National Poverty Reduction Programmes in Nigeria: A Study of National Poverty Eradication Programme (Napep) Ebonyi State Onwe, Sunday Onwe (Ph.D, Fcai) Nwakamma Michael Chibuzor Department of Public Administration Ebonyi State University Abakaliki Nigeria Abstract The paper sought to assess the National Poverty Reduction Programmes in Nigeria with specific focus on NAPEP Ebonyi State. The study became imperative based on the debilitating effects of poverty which often manifests in loss of hope, aspirations, malnutrition and sometimes sudden death. The startling 69% national poverty level and 73.6% rate in Ebonyi state is a clear indication that poverty is still very high in Nigeria. The study therefore evaluated NAPEP’s performance in the area of human capital development, infrastructure facilities, access to safe drinking water, sanitation and access to basic education which are some of the parameters for measuring poverty level. A descriptive survey design was adopted with a sample population of 400 which spread across the six local governments studied. The major instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire, which was distributed to the respondents and a total number of 380 questionnaire were duly filled and returned representing 95% of the sample population. The data collected was analyzed with statistical tables, percentage calculations...

Words: 7077 - Pages: 29

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George Crowder

...lPolitical Theory Two Concepts of Liberal Pluralism George Crowder Political Theory 2007; 35; 121 DOI: 10.1177/0090591706297642 The online version of this article can be found at: Published by: Additional services and information for Political Theory can be found at: Email Alerts: Subscriptions: Reprints: Permissions: Downloaded from at Ebsco Electronic Journals Service (EJS) on September 6, 2008 Two Concepts of Liberal Pluralism George Crowder Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia Political Theory Volume 35 Number 2 April 2007 121-146 © 2007 Sage Publications 10.1177/0090591706297642 hosted at Is the liberal state entitled to intervene in the internal affairs of its nonliberal minorities to promote individual autonomy as a public ideal, or should it tolerate the nonliberal practices of such groups in the name of legitimate diversity? This problem can be fruitfully approached from the perspective of Isaiah Berlin’s notion of “value pluralism.” According to William Galston, value pluralism privileges a form of liberalism that is maximally accommodating of nonliberal groups and their practices. I agree that pluralism...

Words: 12946 - Pages: 52

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Broadview Guide

...  SAMPLE ESSAY (MLA Style) cover page (may not be required by some instructors) What Limits to Freedom? Freedom of Expression and the Brooklyn Museum’s “Sensation” Exhibit by Melissa Davis all text centered Prof. K.D. Smith Humanities 205 16 May 2009 85 03f-BGtW-AmEd 85-106.indd 85 19/01/10 4:08 PM 86 | sample essay Davis 1 Melissa Davis Professor Smith Humanities 205 16 May 2009 name and page number in top right corner What Limits to Freedom? Freedom of Expression and the Brooklyn Museum’s “Sensation” Exhibit For over a century public galleries in Western democracies have been forums not only for displaying works by “old Masters” but also for presenting art that is new, as well as ideas that are sometimes radical and controversial. In the United States that tradition has been under wide attack in the past generation. Various political and first line of all religious leaders have criticized exhibits of works of art that they claim paragraphs indented offend against notions of public decency, and have crusaded against providing public funding for the creation or display of such works. The largest such controversy of the past generation was sparked by the display of a painting entitled “The Holy Virgin Mary,” by the British text left justified and ragged right artist Chris Ofili at the Brooklyn Museum in 1999. Though the image appears inoffensive at a distance, the artist has affixed to the painting cutouts of body parts from magazines, and has incorporated...

Words: 4807 - Pages: 20

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The Big Apple

...The Big Apple Keke Karlyle Strayer University BUS 508~Contemporary Business Dr. Vonda Mallory July 20, 2015 Examine Apple’s current position on the company’s ethical and social responsibilities, and determine whether or not the company has met these responsibilities. It is safe to say that the world as we know it has been significantly shaped as a result of the innovation brought forth by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. The masterminds behind one of the world’s most influential and profitable companies are an example of the entrepreneurial spirit that the United States was founded on. Jobs brought his revolutionary computer company from humble start-up to unheard-of success. Today Apple is estimated to be worth nearly $400 billion and has become one of the most valuable brand names of all time. (Apple) Apple is a true example of the entrepreneurial spirit, from humble beginnings to a $400 billion industry leader, we should ask ourselves how does this happen? Jobs and Wozniak had a vision, their purpose for creating the Apple that has permanently changed the way we live was simple; to change the world through revolutionary technology. As a result of the genius of both Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, whose commitment and drive to make technology accessible, transparently simple, and highly coveted, Apple has introduced the world to products we never knew we needed have become indispensable to our lives. Everything about the way we document, photograph, record, listen...

Words: 2786 - Pages: 12

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Right Guard

...Here is an ultimate Jello shot list, all in one post! Derby or Memorial Day party?? :) 1 *JAGER BOMB* boil 1 cup red bull (in place of water), add black cherry or orange jello, 1 cups jager. 2 *MARGARITA* boil 1 cup water, add 3 oz pkg lime jello, 4 oz tequila, 4 oz sweet & sour margarita mix. sprinkle with salt just before firm. (substitue watermelon jello for lime for a melon margarita) 3 *RUM & COKE boil 1 cups coke, mix in dark cherry jello add 1 cups light rum 4 *MIMOSAS* this one varies from the normal method Since champagne isn't as strong as liquor, cut the water out of this one. boil one cup champagne, mix orange jello 2 min, add one more cup champagne and a splash of OJ. 5 *SILK* Boil one cup champagne, mix in jello for 2 minutes, add one cup champagne and splash of lychee juice from the can. 6 *ORANGE TIC TAC* Boil two cups red bull, mix jello two minutes, add two cups mandarin orange vodka 7 *LEMON DROP* (boil 1 cup water, add lemon jello, citrus vodka, top with sugar sprinkles just before its fully set up) 8 *GRAPE CRUSH* (boil 1 cups water, add grape jello, 1/2 cup plain vodka, 1/2 cup chambord) 9 *HAWAIIAN* (boil 1 cup water, add pineapple or blueberry jello, 1 cup coconut rum) 10 *GIN & TONIC* (boil 1 cup tonic water, add lime jello, 1 cup gin) 11 *LEMON LIME* (boil 2 cups sprite, add lemon and lime jellos, 2 cups citrus vodka) 12 *BLUEBERRY* (boil 1 cup water, add blueberry jello, 1 cup blueberry vodka) 13 *FRUIT...

Words: 2609 - Pages: 11

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Corporate Strategy

...VALUATION AND ACQUSITION VALUATION AND ACQUISITION OF “TARGET COMPANY” LIMITED BY “INVESTOR” LIMITED BY: AKINTOYE AKINDELE DBA PROGRAM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT DECEMBER 2011 INTRODUCTION CONTEXT This report reviews the investment/acquisition rationale, valuation (assumptions and methodology), negotiation and post acquisition events of the acquisition of 100 percent of the equity of “Target Company” limited by “Investor” Limited. While the names of acquiring and selling companies have been changed to Investor Limited and Target Company limited respectively for confidential reasons, the information and events here are factual and all the exhibits represent actual financial information of both companies especially Target Limited. BACKGROUND & BUSINESS OVERVIEW OF TARGET Target Limited is an aluminium continuous casting and cold rolling mill located in Ghana. The company was set up to implement the fourth processing leg of the proposed integrated aluminium industry for Ghana which comprised; bauxite mining – First leg, refining bauxite into alumina – Second leg, smelting alumina into raw aluminium ingots – Third leg and processing the ingots into flat rolled product – Fourth leg and Target’s business. The company was incorporated as a private company and granted license to commence business on 24th February, 1978 and 22nd March, 1978 respectively. Target was later converted into a public company on 28th May, 1996 and was listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange...

Words: 8184 - Pages: 33

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The Word

...Budget 2012 – Transformation or Retrogression? 2011 December 15 by Nasir El-Rufai [pic][pic][pic]Let me start by apologizing for the inevitable absence of this column in the past two weeks; just as I would also like to express sincere gratitude to all those that visited, called or sent condolence messages to my family for our bereavement. Moving on to the subject of this discourse, in the light of the passionate debate on the removal of fuel subsidy with which the country has been bedeviled in previous couple of months; the issue of whether the 2012 Appropriation Bill is a budget of fiscal consolidation or retrogression is as timely as it is topical. Transformation is a huge word that the Jonathan administration thoughtlessly uses to describe its aspirations. Is there anything transformational about the 2012 Budget proposals? In the course of presenting the Draft Budget, President Jonathan in paragraph 1 of 81 of his address states “this budget is a stepping stone to the transformation of our economy and country in our walk to economic freedom” and concludes in paragraph 76 thereof that “Mr. Senate President……the Proposal I lay before you this day seeks to sustain sound micro-economic growth that will translate to achieving socio-economic transformation, and gainful employment for our people”. Meanwhile, and perhaps by divine providence, in the afternoon of the same Tuesday, 13th of December; the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reported that Nigeria’s biggest power generating...

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