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Kone Pdf


Submitted By rajula89
Words 1125
Pages 5
Case study questions

1. In your opinion, how well did Brown handle the Glade situation?
2. What, if anything, would you as International Sales Manager of Calox, have done differently? Explain.
3. Did Brown and Calox act ethically? Did Wells and Glade act ethically?
4. What would you do now?

Pack Tech Dubai
1. Critically compare the four situations mentioned in the case and discuss how Pack Tech and its partners in each of the four case situations trust or do not trust each other?

2. Besides trust, are there any other aspects of the business relationship between the buyer and the seller that make their relationship stronger or weaker?
3. What common themes can be identified in all four situations as reasons for either the existence or absence of trust between the parties?
4. Does trust exist in a customer-supplier relationship?
5. What do you think Riyaz should do about the UAE ink supplier?

JC Decaux

1. Identify and discuss Key Issues of the case?
2. Explain the company’s assumptions
3. Conduct a SWOT analysis for the company.
4. Discuss alternative solutions.
5. Discuss Outcomes of balanced score card for strategic account management.
Lafarge - Aget Heracles

1. Argue the potential influence of competitive forces upon the cement industry.

2. Is Aget’s contemplated expansion into Lebanon, Kuwait and UAE advisable or inadvisable? Argue your position.

3. Use Exhibits H & I. Estimate and evaluate the ratios: (a) ROI (b) Profitability (c) Liquidity (d) Financial strength

4. For 2008, Aget is contemplating adding two new dry-process kilns for an investment of 10.7 million €. That investment is expected to increase current capacity by 18%. a. Assuming the most current operational cost levels, what sales

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Manu 2013

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