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Kudler Fine Foods


Submitted By tiffanie
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Running head: KUDLER’S FINE FOODS TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS Kudler Fine Foods Technological Advancements Tiffanie Tedesco University of Phoenix Kudler Fine Foods Technological Advancements Problem Statement Kudler Fine Foods is growing all over California and is continuing to grow over the next several years. In order for the gourmet specialty food chain to be successful Kathy needs to implement technology into the business. Kathy presently drives to all three locations each week and is the only person whom takes the inventory and orders the products. This would allow her to spend less time maintaining the inventory and purchasing at all three locations. Therefore, Kathy could focus her time on customer relations and expanding her stores. In the near future Kathy could hire someone with more experience to delegate the responsibilities of the purchasing process. In the long-term Kathy should implement the automated inventory system especially if her goal is to open several more locations throughout California. Kudler’s could be a truly successful gourmet chain once it has the technology in place to allow for purchasing and tracking sales. This will allow Kathy to see when to order a product and this will ultimately reduce the amount of perishables that are now being thrown away or donated to local charities. Kathy will be able to open the other locations already having an inventory system set up making it more convenient to open new locations and free up her time to have immediately the new locations operating. In conclusion, Kudler’s has the potential to expand into a major gourmet specialty food store if it implements the right technology to track sales, track inventory and automatically purchases the product.

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Kudler Fine Foods

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