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Leadership and Cultural Differences


Submitted By talade2848
Words 21951
Pages 88
MANAGERIAL LEADERSHIP AND CULTURAL DIFFERENCES OF EASTERN EUROPEAN ECONOMIES Darryl J, Mitry and Thomas Bradley National University School of Business and Technology

Key Factors:

~ Global Business, Colliding cultures & Changing Economies ~With the accession of the 21st Century, the developing globalization of business and other expanding pluralistic organizations we need to reconsider the topic of managerial leadership within a much larger perspective than has been the usual practice. Therefore, we offer some observations from empirical research and suggest theoretical directions. We review the subject as it relates to the challenges of transnational business and more specifically with reference to business operations in the emerging and transforming economies of Eastern Europe such as the newly independent regions of the former Soviet Union (FSU).
The observed “globalization” of business is the precursor to the growing interdependency of peoples around the world; the development of a “Global Community.” This appears to be an inescapable and major event that is contributing to the dissolution of boundaries between customary disciplines of knowledge, information, technology, countries and peoples around the world. Associated with this phenomenon is an intensifying need to provide a strategic global approach in management education.(Mitry & Thomas, 2000)

~ In the new era of globalization, the traditional approaches with their cross-cultural impotence are too narrowly focused to provide adequate direction for management education, training and practice (Yanouzas and Boukis, 1993).

~The traditional approaches have Western culture as their underlying precept and the previous research has been largely conducted in the context of American business settings (Adler,

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