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Masters in Business and Administration


Submitted By bobbyatu
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PHONE: 0803-3647116 /0805-1729899

To work with dedication, honesty, integrity and good character that will maximize our joint efforts in providing excellent services to our clients and the society at large.

Computer literate with knowledge of Microsoft Word/Excel and a minimal typing speed.

i. Good communication and inter-personal skills with the ability to work with or without supervision. ii. Ability to achieve organizational goals. iii. Ability to work under pressure

DATE OF BIRTH: 10th January, 1977
SEX: Male
L.G.A: Ikom
STATE OF ORIGIN: Cross River State


i. Senior Secondary School Certificate - 1992

ii University of Calabar, Calabar. Diploma In Religious Studies - 1997 iii. University of Calabar, Calabar. B.A. Philosophy - 2002

iv. State Computer Training Institute Calabar, Cross River State. Certificate in Information Tech. - 2003

v. Cross River State IT-Village Calabar, Cross River State. Certificate in Web Development - 2007 vi. NIIT,Calabar Centre O.C.A.(Oracle Certified Associate) O.C.P.(Oracle Certified Proffessional) – Sept 2009 –Feb 2010

1998- Till date Unified Local Government System Of Cross River State Community Development Officer.

2004-2005 Immigration Headquarters, Kano Position: PRO’s Office [NYSC]

Reading, Swimming, Traveling and Playing Badminton. REFERENCES

Dr. Asira Asira Hon.Prince Bassey Otu
Lecturer, National Assembly,
Philosophy Department, Abuja.
University of Calabar, Calabar
Cross River State.

Chief Njar Nkang Abang
Cross River State Local Service Commission

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Master of Business Administration

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