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Leg 500 Assignment 2


Submitted By calbsure
Words 1435
Pages 6
The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age
1. List and describe at least three (3) technologies that allow an individual to research citizen’s private data. is a technology which allows an individual to search for information on another person. If you are looking for information on someone, searching the web using Google is one of the best places to start. A person can find background information, phone numbers, addresses, maps and more. On the flip side, anyone can find the same information about you. Information is given by people opening up an account. allows you to see basic information such as name, address, phone, email or credit card number. Information is shared with companies, organizations, and individuals outside of Google with consent. Data searched on the web is stored to improve and maintain the security of their systems.
Zaba Search is another online search engine which allows people to research telephone numbers and addresses which are displayed for free. The site advertises information is revealed for free without having to register. The information displayed from Zaba Search is residential listings which can be found in phone directories. Premium searches are also available on the site however, once selected you are directed to other online services. The other online services offer searches by phone numbers, social security numbers and also offer background checks. is one of the premium searches available through Zaba. This technology allows people to find family members, friends, classmates, military buddies and almost anyone living in the United States. It sells background information to anyone for a small investment. DateCheck is a site hosted by Intelius which stores reports including names, addresses, birth dates, court records, and cell phone numbers. People can access personal records by name, social security number or phone number through Intelius.

2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of public access to this information, both for the researchers and those who are being “investigated”.
The major advantage using technology to search for information is the speed and accessibility to the data. Digital information moves instantly from one person to another. Processing and retrieving data is accessible to everyone; it is no longer limited to a select number of people. While the information is not fool proof, a quick background check will provide information regarding the person you want to hire, date (or child is dating) or before engaging in business transactions. This information is helpful when considering the cost involved hiring or paying for these same services in the private sector, using technology is cost effective.

In contrast, the disadvantages using technology to search for information are that an e-governance system requires most citizens to have access to the internet. Hardware and connections are needed to access the government website. Public sectors need advanced servers and security systems to cope with the large amounts of information and cyber threats. This can be costly investment, especially for a small business owner. Cybercrime is a major drawback, personal identity, addresses, bank accounts and social security numbers are being stolen. Millions of households have become the victims of cybercrime over the past year.
Another disadvantage is the limited ability people have in preventing the information from entering the cyber community. Many people have limited knowledge concerning how their information is accessed or how it is being used. Government agencies make an effort to ensure the safety of civilian’s personal data; however it is not 100% successful.
3. Determine what measures citizens can take to protect private information or information they do not want to be disclosed.
To remove personal information, people can contact Acxiom, who is one of the largest personal information providers, to remove private information from Google or Yahoo. People can fax a copy of their driver’s license with the photo and license number crossed out to Intelius. Intelius needs this notarized document exposing just your date of birth and address. Individuals can email or phone Acxiom to have personal information removed from the web. Many websites are affiliated with US search, so like Intelius; they sell your background information to many organizations.. AOL has a program called “My Privacy” it claims to monitor the Internet for your information and automatically requests its removal. It also claims to stop companies from tracking you online which will help safeguard your privacy on social networking sites. Using such programs will become necessary to ensure your privacy. like the phone book has an online directory available to anyone on the internet. People can go on the website and request to have it removed. It is not easy to have your personal information removed in a timely manner, so seeking professional help may become necessary. One business called Reputation Defender can help frustrated individuals remove personal information on a daily basis for a fee. Maximize privacy settings and installation of high performing firewall, anti-spam and anti-malware programs on the computer are other options to consider when seeking controlling the amount of personal information on the World Wide Web.
4. Discuss a federal law that grants the federal government the legal right to make private information on U.S. citizens available to the public, and whether or not you agree with the law.

The Freedom of Information Act of 1996 allows for the full or partial disclosure of previously unreleased information and documents controlled by the US Government. This law applies only to agency records except for specific types of records, protected from disclosure under the Act. Any U.S. citizen, foreign national, state government corporation, partnership, foreign government may file a request to the FOIA.
The Freedom of Information Act (1996) establishes a presumption that records in the possession of agencies and departments of the executive branch of the U.S. government are accessible to the people. Federal agencies are required to disclose records upon receiving a written request, except for those records that are protected from disclosure by any of the nine exemptions or three exclusions of FOIA. This right of access is enforceable in court. In 1996, Congress passed the Electronic Freedom of Information Act (E-FOIA) Amendments, which provided for public access to information in an electronic format and for the establishment of electronic FOIA reading rooms through agency FOIA sites on the Internet.
Privacy is essential to each individual because it allows the freedom to conduct one’s life without fear or insecurities concerning the loss of identity. The right of privacy is a personal and fundamental right in the United States. People have expectations that it is a choice whether their information is made available to the public or held private.

5. Determine whether there are “electronic privacy laws” that can prevent others from having access to “private information” as well as how effective they are.
One law is The Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 and was enacted by the United States Congress to extend government restrictions on wire taps from telephone calls to include transmissions of electronic data by computer. Specifically, ECPA was an amendment to Title III of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (the Wiretap Statute), which was primarily designed to prevent unauthorized government access to private electronic communications. The ECPA has been criticized through the years regarding its failure to protect all communications and consumer records. Under the ECPA it is relatively easy for a governmental agency to demand that service providers hand over consumer data the company have accumulated. All that is required of the agency is a written statement certifying that the information is relevant to an investigation or foreign counterintelligence with no judicial review required. While workplace communications are in theory protected, an employer must simply give notice or a supervisor must feel that the employee’s actions are not in the company’s “interest” to gain access to these communications. There is an ongoing debate regarding the limitation of government’s power to see into civilian lives while balancing the need to curb national threats. The ECPA falls directly in the middle of this debate both sides wanting revisions and clarifications made by the courts and legislation.
“The Privacy Act of 1974 is a code of fair information practices" that attempts to regulate the collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of personal information by federal executive branch agencies. However, the Act's imprecise language, limited legislative history, and somewhat outdated regulatory guidelines have rendered it a difficult statute to decipher and apply. Furthermore, even after more than thirty-five years of administrative and judicial analysis, numerous Privacy Act issues remain unresolved or unexplored.”
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