Premium Essay

Lyt2 Task 1


Submitted By michaelw1025
Words 2045
Pages 9
Identified Challenges within the Current System
Within the current system at Simple Gateways there are three main challenges. First, multiple versions of documentation are passed between office staff. This results in decisions being made based on incorrect or outdated information. Second, documents are stored locally at each office. This limits access to files and puts a dependency on repeated personal communication for document access wasting time and efficiency. Lastly, administrative tasks continue to be reliant on a paper based system producing possible processing and communication delays.
How Identified Challenges Affect Key Stakeholders
Managers and executives are the key stakeholders affected by outdated or incorrect documentation. Individuals or teams could be under the impression that business decisions are being made with information that is helpful and pertinent while in fact the information could be detrimental. When multiple managers and executives are involved confusion could arise about the needed information compounding the problem and leading to lengthy debates and discussion that are not required and create a confusion in business direction. This potential for errors in decision making puts the company at a considerable danger for loss of profitability, unsatisfied customers, and an uncertain future.
Separate file servers and email servers affect two key stakeholders. The employees and the managerial and executive group both find themselves dependent on personal communication to gain access to documents that are not local to that individual’s office. For the employee this could result in delayed interactions with customers causing a dissatisfied client base. Employee time is wasted on trying to track down other staff members for access to files. Employee frustration and corner-cutting can become rampant throughout the organization.

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